Hi list

I have the follow code:

   <input type="text" name="field1" id="field1" />
   <input type="hidden" name="hide1" id="hide1" />
<a href="#" id="field1_showoptions">show options</a>

   showoptions: function(){
      //show options using windows_js_1.3
      //In the windows change the value from field1

   getData: function(evt){
      var number=evt.element().value;
      //made a ajax request and fill hide1 field looking number how key

document.observe('dom:loaded', function(){
   $('field1_showoptions').observe('click', myclass.showoptions);
   $('field1').observe('change', myclass.getData);

I want three thing
1: have a window with a table filled with many options and descriptions:  OK
2: fill hide1 field when field1 value has enter manually: OK
3: fill hide1 field when field1 value has change using code js: FAIL

Someone can give me a tip?

Lo bueno de vivir un dia mas
es saber que nos queda un dia menos de vida

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