I am having a problem where an href contained in a sortable div is
prevented from honoring the click by the sortable (allowing you to
drag it) in IE7.  This is a big problem .. is this a reported bug?

here is the previous post:

I have two sortables that have divs as the draggable elements.
Included in those divs are some anchor tags to make some buttons that
call javascript functions elsewhere in the page.

It all works fine in Firefox & Safari, but in IE7 it's a matter of
luck if the link will accept clicks. Sometimes you click the link,
sometimes the div acts like it's being dragged (it fades as per the
start of the drag, but doesn't move). I've tried to click the mouse as
quickly as possible, and holding it completely still, but it makes no

This is a showstopper for me, as IE is such a big part of my audience.
Anyone got any suggestions?

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