New PO file for `parted-1.4.10'

2001-05-10 Conversa Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Galician team at `'. This is a message from the Translation Project robot. I`m happy to announce that a new file, available as: has been integrated in the central PO

New PO file for `wget-1.6'

2001-05-10 Conversa Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Galician team at `'. This is a message from the Translation Project robot. I`m happy to announce that a new file, available as: has been integrated in the central PO

Re: Somo-los mellores :D

2001-05-10 Conversa Fco. X. Vázquez Grandal
Jacobo Tarrio wrote: - Forwarded message from - Galician! It's the language of the week, and Jacobo Tarrio updated the translation. Esto esta ben (supoño) pero, con esto poñenlle o teu nome á proxima debian ¿non?, vas ter que buscar traballo en

Re: Traducción do mailman

2001-05-10 Conversa Fco. X. Vázquez Grandal
Santiago Garcia Mantinan wrote: con mais razón, xa que ó termos dominio propio, non estaría mal termos a lista no dominio e a ser posible pois en galego, que carallo. Sen dubida. Dime unha cousa, eso do mailman permiteche configura-las opcions da lista por web ¿non? Así que estou