Re: [G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-24 Conversa Leandro Regueiro
Sorry. I will try to translate it to english below, unless my skills in translating to english aren't the same as my ones translating from english :) Who is interested in translating debian to galician? As Jacobo says none, at least none I know. All we know the great scarcity of translators that

Re: [G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-23 Conversa Leandro Regueiro
En todo caso, quen está interesado en colaborar na tradución de debian? Como di Jacobo ninguén, polo menos que eu coñeza. Todos sabemos da gran escaseza de tradutores que temos. Os proxectos que xa hai non paran de incorporar novas cadeas e cambiarnos parte das que xa habia, cada vez hai máis

Re: [G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-23 Conversa suso . baleato
Leandro: debian-l18n seems to be using english as its common language Leandro Regueiro escrebeu: Ata logo, Leandro Regueiro

Re: [G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-23 Conversa Christian Perrier
Quoting ( Leandro: debian-l18n seems to be using english as its common language Sure. Leandro, we would appreciate you to translate your original message back to English as its content seems interesting for the community (which is what I deduced by

Re: [G11n] New version of the coordination pages (pseudo-urls)

2008-06-22 Conversa suso . baleato
Christian Perrier escrebeu: Quoting ( Yes, yes, I know all that Christian, and I'll never get tired to express my gratitude and admiration for Jacobo's work. I'll even let myself to feel galician patriotic feelings and so in case that could be considered