sed-4.0.9 (98%, 2 untranslated)

2004-01-11 Conversa Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Galician team at `'. This is a message from the Translation Project robot. I'm happy to announce that a new file, available as: has been integrated in the central PO

soundtracker-0.6.7 (49%, 228 untranslated)

2004-01-11 Conversa Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Galician team at `'. This is a message from the Translation Project robot. I'm happy to announce that a new file, available as: has been integrated in the central PO

Regálanse Lindows

2004-01-11 Conversa Xabi García
Ós interesados en obter Lindows, a empresa ofrece gratis a distribución ós desenvolvedores e traductores de KDE. Quen queira esta distribución (coma xa sei que non a vai querer ninguén) que me solicite o código de acceso. Réplica da mensaxe que se me enviou: