Xornadas Galego-Lusófonas de Sw Libre

2006-11-21 Conversa Roberto Brenlla
Olá, Do 30 de novembro ao 3 de decembro 2006 celebraranse no Concello do Porriño as I Xornadas Galego-Lusófonas de Software e Coñecemento Libres promovidas e organizadas por AGNIX e o propio concello. Tes o programa completo http://www.agnix.org/porrinho/programa.htm Podes inscribirte de balde h

fetchmail-6.3.6-rc3 (0%, 632 untranslated)

2006-11-21 Conversa Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Galician team at `gpul- traducc...@ceu.fi.udc.es'. This is a message from the Translation Project robot. I'm happy to announce that a new file, available as: >http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/translation/domains/POT/fetchmail-6.3.6-rc3.pot has been integrated in the central

coreutils-6.5 (20%, 849 untranslated)

2006-11-21 Conversa Translation Project Robot
Hello, members of the Galician team at `gpul- traducc...@ceu.fi.udc.es'. This is a message from the Translation Project robot. I'm happy to announce that a new file, available as: >http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/translation/teams/PO/gl/coreutils-6.5.gl.po has been integrated in the central PO a