Fwd: Skype

2014-03-18 Conversa Martiño
Skype xa o viñan traducindo ao galego nesta páxina: 
Proxecto mailing list

Fwd: Skype

2014-03-17 Conversa Marcos Lans
Parece que hai un proxecto en marcha para poder traducir Skype se a
alguén lle interesa colaborar

Mensaxe orixinal 
Asunto: Skype
Data:   Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:07:39 +
De: Michael Bauer 
Responder a:f...@akerbeltz.org
Organización:   Akerbeltz
Para:   ubuntu-translat...@lists.ubuntu.com

Question. We run a community translation project for the lang and ts/qm
files for Skype (we're not Windows, before anyone asks) over on
(https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/skype-translation-project/). It
started off with a focus on smaller, unsupprted languages for Windows
but since we figured out how to do the files for Linux, a number of
larger languages have also come onboard, like Greek or Brazilian.

We currently generate the ts/qm files manually and then put them on
(https://sourceforge.net/projects/skypeinyourlang/files/Linux/) with
instructions (there's a moderatly annoying name change you have to
about how to do that on Linux.

Is there any interest to somehow bundle these with Ubuntu so people
don't have to do this themselves? I don't know if Launchpad handles ts
files and someone would have to fiddle a bit with the integration (in a
nutshell, the Linux interface will offer you languages not bundled with
the default package as long as the filename follows a certain pattern,
see the instructions on the page I linked).

Happy to file a bug but I wanted to gauge interest/feasibility to begin



*Akerbeltz *
Goireasan Gà idhlig air an lìon
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Facs: +44-141-945 2701

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