
        Chegoume isto ó que non sei que contestar. Aconselládeme.


     .====                Arroutada Party Team-http://www.la-red.com/arroutada
     `===.ergio Rua           GPUL-CLUG Member-http://ceu.fi.udc.es/GPUL
     ===='                                 s...@iname.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
List-Post: proxecto@trasno.net
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2000 17:33:51 -0500
From: Sergey Panov <si...@sipan.ne.mediaone.net>
To: s...@iname.com
Subject: Questions


I have harvested your e-mail address in <lang>.po files from
GNOME project CVS. I am sorry if you have nothing to do with
gnome translation project, or if you already saw my questions
on gnome i18n mailing list, or if you get two copies of that

We are trying to create translator's "wish"/"complains" list.
what we are interested is a set of deficiencies of the gettext
and locale framework that pose serious problems.  

We are aware of the following three problems:

1) Splitted phrases can not be translated correctly.
   ( gender specific adjectives, noun cases,
     changing forms of verbs, etc.)

2) N-dependent plural forms.
   ( n = 2 is a special case in some languages, complex set of
     rules in Slavic languages [see below])

3) Hot keys can not be used with non-ASCII(non-latin) chars
  (known cause, difficult solution, ugly workaround)

Please add additional problems to this list and send it back to me in
the reply or to the gnome internationalization mailing list
gnome-i...@nuclecu.unam.mx , if you are subscribed to it.


I also would like to know if your language has N-dependent plural forms
and if it does:

 1) If your language is Slavic, does it follow the following rule
    or, like Polish, subset of those rules?

    normal plural       if v = 0  

    singular            if v = 1  

    singular            if v = 21, 31, 41, ... 

    simple plural       if v = 2-4, 22-24, 32-34, ...

    normal plural       if v = 5-20, 25-30, 35-40, ...

    special plural form (in some cases) if n is not specified (like
    3 men in a car, but people in a car)

 2) If your language has N-dependent plural forms and rules are
    different from those in (1),  please describe the rules.

        and thank you in advance,

                            Sergey Panov

Para sair desta lista, manda un mail a gpul-traduccion-requ...@ceu.fi.udc.es
poñendo "unsubscribe" na mesaxe

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