Re: Corpus automático de Mozilla

2012-08-03 Conversa Enrique Estévez Fernández

Pascal está traballando arreo. Que boa pinta está collendo isto.

I pushed an update of Transvision live (

Most of the changes are behind the scene but there are also a few
visible changes for localizers:

* added ach, ff, lij, my, wo locales
* added locale detection to populate the default locale on home page
instead of defaulting to French
* page results for rtl locales are now correctly aligned
* Radio buttons are now clickable
* various visual improvements for hopefully a better user experience
* removed oc and mn locales

For users of the webservice, note that the json source is now sent with
an application/json Mime type.


2012/7/28 Enrique Estévez Fernández

 Parece que fai tempo que a comunidade francesa abandonou este
 proxecto. Estes días chegou unha nova a mozilla na que se reuniron, e
 outra xente decidiu levantar o proxecto noutro dominio.

 Consultar corpus
 Descargar tmx

 Polo que entendín, actualizanse os datos todas as noites. Entendo que
 nalgún momento o outro dominio deixará de traballar.

 Hilando un pouco, supoño que a comunidade francesa de mozilla, agora
 estará no novo dominio.
 E non neste:


 2011/7/21 Antón Méixome
 Acaba de saír nas listas de Mozilla

 Nota completa de Philippe ( )

 Hello, it has been quite a while since the last update of the
 transvision glossary. I'm happy to share the new version with you.

 The transvision glossary is a web tool that permits you to search in
 the en-US or other language for words/sentences/entities and give you
 the en-US/locale correspondance. It can be usefull to know how your
 team has translated some words or to search for mistakes.

 You can also find somme old information on the babelzilla blog posts : and


 There is also a web-service witch return a json file instead of an html page 

 To use it, you have to pass the argument directly on the url like it
 is done on the regular glossary (look at the url after a search) :

 Will become in the web-service :


 New in this version :

new and unique url :
you can search in the Release, Beta, Aurora and Trunk repositories
You can switch your language directly on the web page
the tmx files used in this version are available at :


 Behind the scene, the Release and Beta en-US repositories comes
 directly from, the Aurora and Trunk repositories comes
 from the (thanks to them for the work). The
 repositories, the TMX files and the glossary are updated each night at
 2.00AM (UT+2).

 The code is in the hg repo :


 What is removed for now :

doublon/duplicate script (I'll try to re-add it latter)
Alignment script, I'll try to re-add it directly on the same page
 via an option and are now
 innactive (I don't think a lot of people used it anyway).


 The future of this tool :

re-add alignment on the same page
add a term to term automatic glossary
re-add the duplicate search script
treat the html in the glossary correctly
if there is a popular demand, compare not only the en-US to a
 locale, but also between locales (usefull for language with more than
 one locale?).


 Feel free to contact me (on this thread or by email) if you find any
 error/bug or if you think there is a feature missing.

 As usual, I'm not an html guru and a good designer, if someone feels
 that he can improve the design, go ahead :) That's true also for the

 Best regards Philippe
 Proxecto mailing list
Proxecto mailing list

Re: Corpus automático de Mozilla

2011-07-24 Conversa Antón Méixome
Ola Keko,

Confírmame Miguel Bouzada que tedes aprobados todos os recursos para
aloxar a comunidade necesarios.
A idea é que se comece a poñer algo de contido para mozilla no blog
correspondente e que, unha vez en marcha, se activa o subdominio.

Tes os permisos para facelo desde hai tempo no Drupal de Trasno. Dime
se che necesitas que che refresquen os datos de acceso ou así


 Off topic: Como está o tema do drupal para albergar a comunidade
 galega de mozilla. Para cando Como vos fago unha
 petición formal?, xa que quero porme coa web do grupo.

Proxecto mailing list

Re: Corpus automático de Mozilla

2011-07-24 Conversa Enrique Estévez Fernández

Preciso que me recordedes os datos de acceso. Estiven probando con
lembrar o contrasinal e dime que non hai ningunha conta cos meus
correos. Se é a teño rexistrada co correo de ousli, non vou ter
acceso, polo menos polo de agora, xa que non podo acceder ao correo de
ousli desde fai uns días.

Un saúdo.

2011/7/24 Antón Méixome
 Ola Keko,

 Confírmame Miguel Bouzada que tedes aprobados todos os recursos para
 aloxar a comunidade necesarios.
 A idea é que se comece a poñer algo de contido para mozilla no blog
 correspondente e que, unha vez en marcha, se activa o subdominio.

 Tes os permisos para facelo desde hai tempo no Drupal de Trasno. Dime
 se che necesitas que che refresquen os datos de acceso ou así


 Off topic: Como está o tema do drupal para albergar a comunidade
 galega de mozilla. Para cando Como vos fago unha
 petición formal?, xa que quero porme coa web do grupo.

 Proxecto mailing list

Proxecto mailing list

Re: Corpus automático de Mozilla

2011-07-21 Conversa Enrique Estévez Fernández

Xa fai tempo que avisei deste proxecto. O bo que ten, é que nos
permitirá ter entre outras cousas, ficheiros tmx das traducións de

Para os desenvolvedores de aplicativos, o acceso a eses corpus podería
estar ben para usalos nos aplicativos de tradución. Cando teña tempo,
tentarei avisar aos desenvolvedores de omegat por se lles pode
interesar, xa que agora a tradución automática con google translate
non vai funcionar ou a nova licenza de google lles impide utilizalo.

Off topic: Como está o tema do drupal para albergar a comunidade
galega de mozilla. Para cando Como vos fago unha
petición formal?, xa que quero porme coa web do grupo.


El día 21 de julio de 2011 21:49, Antón Méixome escribió:
 Acaba de saír nas listas de Mozilla

 Nota completa de Philippe ( )

 Hello, it has been quite a while since the last update of the
 transvision glossary. I'm happy to share the new version with you.

 The transvision glossary is a web tool that permits you to search in
 the en-US or other language for words/sentences/entities and give you
 the en-US/locale correspondance. It can be usefull to know how your
 team has translated some words or to search for mistakes.

 You can also find somme old information on the babelzilla blog posts : and


 There is also a web-service witch return a json file instead of an html page :

 To use it, you have to pass the argument directly on the url like it
 is done on the regular glossary (look at the url after a search) :

 Will become in the web-service :


 New in this version :

   new and unique url :
   you can search in the Release, Beta, Aurora and Trunk repositories
   You can switch your language directly on the web page
   the tmx files used in this version are available at :


 Behind the scene, the Release and Beta en-US repositories comes
 directly from, the Aurora and Trunk repositories comes
 from the (thanks to them for the work). The
 repositories, the TMX files and the glossary are updated each night at
 2.00AM (UT+2).

 The code is in the hg repo :


 What is removed for now :

   doublon/duplicate script (I'll try to re-add it latter)
   Alignment script, I'll try to re-add it directly on the same page
 via an option and are now
 innactive (I don't think a lot of people used it anyway).


 The future of this tool :

   re-add alignment on the same page
   add a term to term automatic glossary
   re-add the duplicate search script
   treat the html in the glossary correctly
   if there is a popular demand, compare not only the en-US to a
 locale, but also between locales (usefull for language with more than
 one locale?).


 Feel free to contact me (on this thread or by email) if you find any
 error/bug or if you think there is a feature missing.

 As usual, I'm not an html guru and a good designer, if someone feels
 that he can improve the design, go ahead :) That's true also for the

 Best regards Philippe
 Proxecto mailing list

Proxecto mailing list