
My server has been unavailable since a while. Now it is back.

I have added a list of packages for each distribution:


==================        SID         ==================
|debian-dthconnex-keyring  | 2008.09.06                |
|fwknop-client             | 1.9.12~svn.pre2-1         |
|fwknop-server             | 1.9.12~svn.pre2-1         |
|fwsnort                   | 1.0.6~svn.pre4-1          |
|gpgdir                    | 1.9.2-1                   |
|lbm4r                     | 0.4.4-1                   |
|libtext-dhcpleases-perl   | 0.8-1                     |
|psad                      | 2.1.6~svn.pre3-2          |

==================  LENNY-BACKPORTS   ==================
|debian-dthconnex-keyring  | 2008.09.06~bpo50+1        |
|fwknop-client             | 1.9.11-1~bpo50+1          |
|fwknop-server             | 1.9.11-1~bpo50+1          |
|fwsnort                   | 1.0.6-1~bpo50+1           |
|gpgdir                    | 1.9.4-1~bpo50+1           |
|lbm4r                     | 0.4.4-1~bpo50+1           |

==================   ETCH-BACKPORTS   ==================
|debian-dthconnex-keyring  | 2008.09.06~bpo40+1        |
|fwknop-client             | 1.9.11-1~bpo40+1          |
|fwknop-server             | 1.9.11-1~bpo40+1          |
|fwsnort                   | 1.0.5-2~bpo40+1           |
|gpgdir                    | 1.9.4-1~bpo40+1           |
|libiptables-chainmgr-perl | 0.9-1~bpo40+1             |
|libiptables-parse-perl    | 0.7-1~bpo40+1             |

But the most important changes are the new distributions:

  - etch-backports
  - lenny-backports

which replace etch and lenny.

So, if you use them please update your *sources.list* file accordingly
so that you can get the latest packages.

If you encounter any problems, let me know.


Franck Joncourt
http://debian.org - http://smhteam.info/wiki/

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