I'm sensing a pattern here, but I just realized that I have that ASME
industry mentor day thing this Thursday from 12:30 to 4-ish. Still, I'd
like to make some progress on propulsion this week. If you guys want I'm
happy to move the propulsion meeting to a different day such as Wednesday,
Friday or over the weekend sometime (except perhaps Saturday morning
through mid-afternoon). If you're into it use the reply-all and state a
time which would work for you.

Ad astra,
Erin Schmidt

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Erin Schmidt <es...@pdx.edu> wrote:

> I think I'm too swamped this week with midterms and getting ready for the
> NARCON presentation to be at the propulsion meeting this Thursday.
> I also feel like I've been endlessly rehashing the same stuff, as the
> composition of our group seems to change constantly with time. As right now
> there seems to be only ME seniors involved in the propulsion project I'm
> going to refocus things on that level henceforth and maintain a brisker
> pace moving into the future.
> Next time (2/26) will be on pressurization systems. I'll send out slides
> early next time so there is time to review beforehand and we can spend most
> of our time actually doing the calculations for the proposed engine.
> Ad astra,
> Erin Schmidt
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