
If you plan on attending the Eagle workshop tomorrow, and have the
time please install Eagle. <www.cadsoft.de> This is not a prerequisite
for attending the workshop, but it is probably a good idea. (Note many
distros have Eagle packages.)

For more background, checkout our Eagle page 


 > Sorry for the last minute notice, but Tim and I are teaching an EAGLE 
 > CAD workshop tomorrow (Monday January 21st) from 2:00pm - 5:00pm in FAB 
 > 150. There are some capstone students who are desperate to learn EAGLE 
 > for their project, so we had to schedule it at the last minute.
 > Note that tomorrow is holiday, so FAB may be locked. We'll post some 
 > people at the 4th avenue entrance around 2pm to make sure you can get in.
 > We'll re-teach EAGLE on an upcoming Wednesday night, if there's demand 
 > from people who can't make tomorrow.
 > Again, sorry for the last minute notice!

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