Hi everyone!

It's that time of year again! The 2008 Oregon Space Grant scholarship
application has been posted and is due February 1st. Any full time
undergraduate can apply for $5,000 worth of scholarships... I think
we've had three winners in the past: Jamey, Sarah, and... someone else

Please do let me know if you're applying, and also feel free to use me
as a resource if you need help.

Good luck!


> *Applications are now being accepted for the Winter Term 2008
> Undergraduate Scholarship competition for your institution!*
> The Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium (OSGC) is pleased to provide
> undergraduates from our member colleges and universities opportunities
> to apply for scholarship awards that support their academic goals and
> recognize their achievements. Scholarships are open to new and
> continuing students in the disciplines of science, technology,
> engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The OSGC Undergraduate
> Scholarship Program supports the National Aeronautics and Space
> Administration (NASA) objectives of fostering and encouraging career
> goals that impact the aerospace industry.  Individuals from
> under-represented groups are encouraged to apply.
> *APPLICATION DEADLINE – Friday February 1, 2008*
> AWARDS - Scholarships up to $5,000 will be awarded through a
> competitive process at individual member institutions. Awards will be
> made payable directly to the student and presented by a representative
> of the member institution. Students receiving awards in past
> competitions may apply and receive awards for subsequent competitions.
> ELIGIBLITY - Scholarships are open to students who meet the following
> eligibility criteria:
> v Enrolled full-time at a member institution during period of the award
> v Pursuing a baccalaureate degree in a science, technology,
> engineering or math discipline, including math or science education –
> OR pursuing an associate degree in applied science with intent to
> pursue a baccalaureate degree in same.
> v Good academic standing
> v U.S. Citizen
> REVIEW CRITERIA - Applications are reviewed based on the following
> criteria:
> v Scholastic achievement
> v Aerospace related career goals
> v Strength of recommendations 
> APPLICATION PROCEDURE - For complete guidelines and applications, go
> to the Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium website
> at:_http://spacegrant.oregonstate.edu/undergraduateguide.html_   All
> application materials, including supporting documentation, must be
> received at the Oregon Space Grant Consortium office by the posted
> deadline. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered for
> funding.  
> FOR MORE INFORMATION - Contact Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium
> | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | (541) 737-2414      

Andrew Greenberg

Portland State Aerospace Society (http://psas.pdx.edu/)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  P: 503.788.1343  C: 503.708.7711

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