Hey PSAS! We’re almost 75% of the way to our goal of $10,000! And we have
only two weeks left!

First, if you haven’t had a chance to donate yet, please do now. Even if
it’s a few dollars, we get major bonus points for every warm body that
contributes, so please donate even if it’s small.

Second, please ask all of your well-off relatives and friends and distant
second-cousin-twice-removed-who-is-a-giant-space-nerd to donate, too!

Finally, please let everyone know we’re almost there, but we need their
help to finish! Use your twitter and instagram and Whatever™ accounts to
broadcast our campaign. Please use the following link:


And feel free to use cool pictures from PSAS’s Twitter (
https://twitter.com/pdxaerospace) and Flickr (
https://www.flickr.com/pdxaerosapce) accounts!

Thank you!

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