Make them all the same size.

Wave soldering pads are sometimes done with larger corners. In my
opinion reflow pads should be equal throughout.

> I'm doing the IC layout for the LPC2368 and I have a small discrepancy
> in land layouts that I would like clarification for.  The package
> outline shows all 100 pins the same size, while the PC board footprint
> drawing shows the lands slightly larger for the 8 corner pins (two
> slightly different pad sizes on the drawing). I checked the
> psas_eagle_library.lbr to see how the last team laid out the LPC2148
> and I see that they left all the pins the same size, which makes sense
> as none of the corner pins appear to be power or ground anyway. Would
> there be another valid reason to have the corner pads larger? As it's
> only 8 pins, I'm moving forward with them all the same size.

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