I've filled in all the entries with my proposals now.

Unless we decide to use them:
AUX_DAC (O) -> N/C

LPC23xx (ADIS)         LPC2368 PIN    ADIS PIN
SCK     (SCK)               62           3
SSEL    (_CS)               63           6
MISO    (DOUT)              61           4
MOSI    (DIN)               60           5

P0.0    (_RST)              46           8
_EINT0  (DIO1)              53           7
_EINT1  (DIO2)              52           9
P0.5    (DIO3)              80           1
P0.6    (DIO4/CLKIN)        79           2
        (AUX_DAC)                       20
        (AUX_ADC)                       21

On 05/12/2012 09:34 AM, Andrew Greenberg wrote:
> K, Markus, & everyone else who might be thinking about the ADIS GFE:
> I'm putting together a litle board tonight to interface them to the GFE.
> It just turns out there's no good way to do it without a board. Any
> suggestions for which pins to use on the LPC?
> Thanks,
> Andrew

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