
### Beta Project

If you're a PSU student and working on rockets (or your own projects!),
please consider funding what you're up to via the MCECS' Beta Project.
Previously known as the Innovation Program, the Beta Project will fund
you for $1k, and more if you can justify it later, for an innovative
idea that needs funding. We originally funded open source GPS, rocket
tracks, and a few other PSAS programs this way. If you have any
questions, ask Nathan or me!

There's a intro meeting tomorrow Monday, April 13th from 12:00 to 1:00pm
in 84 lab. I'd encourage our capstone teams to attend, since a lot of
our innovation happens that way! For more info see:


### "The Hacker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Ariel Waldman

Some of are going to see this talk tomorrow at New Relic. For more info
please see:


Andrew Greenberg

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Portland State University
a...@ece.pdx.edu  C: 503.708.7711

psas-team mailing list

This list's membership is automatically generated from the memberships of the 
psas-airframe, psas-avionics, and psas-general mail lists. Visit 
http://lists.psas.pdx.edu to individually subscribe/unsubscribe yourself from 
these lists.

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