Workshop's a better word. It's this Wednesday, 3/29, at 7:00 PM. Anyone is
welcome to come! It'll be in our usual meeting room, 86-01. Directions are

Bring your laptop and a mouse! (Don't bring your desktop, the injury's not
worth it.) There will be a few computers available for people who can't
bring their own, but still bring a mouse if you can.

If you don't already have the game, go ahead and install the demo now to
make sure it runs on your system. Feel free to check the game out before
the workshop to start familiarizing yourself with it.
Download it here:

Here's a link to some resources I'm putting together, including a folder to
put into you game installation's "saves" folder. It gives you some easy to
fly rockets I've made and some vehicles already in orbit to play with.

As I've mentioned, this workshop will mainly be a guide to the basics of
the game for beginners to learn more about how rockets work and get to
space. But if you're a more advanced player and want some help, you should
still come, learn, and have fun.

See you Wednesday!


PSU Engineering Building
1930 SW 4th Ave. Portland, OR

Enter the lobby and go down the stairs.
Walk straight, past the elevators.
Turn left to go down the long hall.
Room 86-01 will be on your left.
We'll hopefully have some signs.
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