Hi everyone!

Launch date

We're currently scheduled for a launch on Sunday October 21st at Oregon
Rocketry's "Rocketober" launch in Brothers, Oregon. We'll be launching
the new flight computer, with WiFi and ATV radios, GPS, and the current
roll control system. Preliminary information is here:



I've been working with the PSU college of engineering to coordinate
funding efforts for PSAS. Essentially the idea is for us to approach
aerospace companies together. This is, unfortunately, a very long
process - sometimes on the order of months to years - and leaves us
broke for at least another couple of quarters. To make sure that we're
really going strong in the mean time, the Dean has approved $10,000 in
funding for PSAS. These funds will pay back old debts to our members,
and allow us to really make some progress on various rocket systems this
coming academic year. Thank you Dean Su!

Friday's Communications Test

On Friday, we finally managed to do a quarter-scale (~ 1 km)
communication test, and shockingly, everything worked. From the new
Gibbs bridge at the base of the Portland tram to the observation deck at
OHSU, we had packets bouncing back and forth on the 5.18 GHz WiFi comm
channel, decent video on the 2.4 GHz ATV channel, and a solid 3D
position lock on the GPS. More details here:


Maker Faire

We have a corner of a table at the Maker Faire at OMSI today and
tomorrow; come on down and check out the new avionics system and give us
a hand at the booth! We'll be there 10am - 6pm all day today and tomorrow.

More soon,


Andrew Greenberg

Portland State Aerospace Society (http://psas.pdx.edu/)
and...@psas.pdx.edu  C: 503.708.7711

psas-team mailing list

This list's membership is automatically generated from the memberships of the 
psas-airframe, psas-avionics, and psas-general mail lists. Visit 
http://lists.psas.pdx.edu to individually subscribe/unsubscribe yourself from 
these lists.

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