
I'm looking for volunteers to be on an open source career panel, and
a volunteer to speak about debugging at the Linux Plumbers Conference
Student Day.

The debugging talk would be about 45 minutes, and cover the basics of
debugging the Linux kernel and open source applications.  Some of the
content could be taken from the debugging chapter in Linux Device
Drivers.  The talk could cover printk, dmesg and other interesting logs
in /var/log, common oops messages, debugfs, sysfs, debugging over serial
ports, etc.  Let me know if you're willing to volunteer to give this
talk, or if you have past slides that someone else could use.

We're also looking for representatives from companies who contribute to
open source and open source consulants to be a part of the career panel
at the Linux Plumbers Conference Student Day.  We will have about 20
students in the audience who will ask questions, and we will have some
prepared questions in case students are shy.

Student Day takes place on September 16th.  For more information, see:

Sarah Sharp

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