Hi everyone,

Anyone who's new to CubeSats and is realtively inexperienced with
electrical systems and/or space systems  should consider going to the
Alaska Space Grant sponsored workshop next month. It's August 19-20 at
the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum. Apparently space is very
limited, so sign up soon. Here's the link:


I think it's going to be VERY introductory and basic, so I don't
recommend this for our more experienced members. But it's probably a
great intro for some.

Unfortunately it's $125 ($175 if you want their Arduino-based flatsat
kit). If you can pay for it, that's great. If you really, really want to
go, and can't afford it, please contact me directly.


Andrew Greenberg

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Portland State University
a...@ece.pdx.edu  C: 503.708.7711

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