Still “pressuring” the rest of the OROC BOD to get back to you all on this. 
I’ll mention it again this week – hoping we can get you approved for the launch 
by the end of this week. 


I’ll be at this launch and it looks like I’ll probably be handling the waiver 
calls as well. I will be heading out to Brothers sometime on Friday 
afternoon/evening and am happy to drive a carpool. Please contact me if 



Wilson Alness

OROC Secretary


[] On Behalf Of Nathan Bergey
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2014 7:35 PM
To: psas-all
Subject: [PSAS] Official Launch Date: July 20th


Hi All,

If you weren't sure, or perhaps forgot, our target launch date for Launch 11 is 
Sunday July 20th. As always things might change at the least minute, but we're 
really going for this weekend.

If you've never been to a launch before what usually happens is we prepare and 
pack through the week, then meet up early Saturday morning and convoy out 
towards Brothers. Carpooling is encouraged and we'll figure out who needs rides 
closer to launch.

Saturday afternoon is spent setting up the launch site and launch tower. Sunday 
morning we button everything up and put the rocket on the tower and try to 

Most of the high level info is under the Launch-11 repo on github:

Be sure to check out the issue list for things that need to be done, there is a 

A little over 46 days left to go, and only 7 Tuedsay night meetings left!!

Commence panic.





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