We’re looking for proposals on every aspect of Python: programming
from novice to advanced levels, applications and frameworks, or how
you have been involved in introducing Python into your organization.
EuroPython is a community conference and we are eager to
hear about your experience.

Please also forward this Call for Proposals to anyone that you feel
may be interested.

     *** https://ep2017.europython.eu/en/call-for-proposals/ ***

                   Submissions will be open until
                  Sunday, April 16, 23:59:59 CEST

Please note that we will not have a second call for proposals as we
did in 2016, so if you want to enter a proposal, please consider to do
this in the next few days.

For full details, please see the above CFP page. We have many exciting
things waiting for you:

* PyData EuroPython 2017 as part of EuroPython

* a whole range of interesting formats, including talks, training
  sessions, panels, interactive sessions, posters and helpdesks

* tracks to focus on more specific domains, including the revived
  EuroPython Business Track

* speaker discounts for more than just talks and trainings

EuroPython 2017 Team

PS: Please forward or retweet to help us reach all interested parties:
PSF-Community mailing list

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