Hi everyone,

The PSF board meeting minutes from 2nd December are now available online at
[1].  There were 8 directors present, and 1 sent in proxy vote. Kurt Kaiser
(Treasurer), Betsy Waliszewski (Event Planner and Administrator), Mark Mangoba
(IT Manager) were also present in the meeting.

Gh4hub Ghana Limited was approved as Iron level sponsor by the sponsor working

We are also happy to announce the 2016 4th Quarter Community Service Awards to
Ernest W. Durbin III, and Shannon Turner. Shannon is the founder of Hear Me
Code, an organization offering free, beginner-friendly Python coding classes
for over 2000 women in Washington, DC. Ernest has been a dedicated volunteer of
the PSF for several years, he is also the conference chair for PyCon 2018
and 2019.

The following grants were also approved from our last meeting, totaling

*  PyLadies São Paulo meetup group, meetup fees

* PyCon SK 2017, Bratislava, Slovakia

* DjangoGirls in Chicago

* DjangoGirls in Abuja, Nigeria

* DragonSprint in Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU

* Django Girls in Makurdi, Nigeria

* PyCon Pune, Pune, India

* Django Girls, Perth

* PyLadies Data Mining Workshop Taiwan

* Django Girls Workshop, Grand Rapids, MI

For more updates from the PSF, please visit our blog[2] and follow us on

[1] https://www.python.org/psf/records/board/minutes/2016-12-02/
[2] https://pyfound.blogspot.com/
[3] https://twitter.com/ThePSF

Director, Python Software Foundation
Fedora Cloud Engineer
CPython Core Developer
PSF-Community mailing list

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