Hi everyone,

The PSF board meeting minutes from 6th February are available online at [1].
There were 6 directors present, and 3 sent in proxy vote. Ewa Jodlowksa
(Director of Operations), Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer), Betsy Waliszewski (Event
Planner and Administrator), Mark Mangoba (IT Manager) were also present in the

By a vote over email, the PSF canceled the grant of $1550 for 3 workshops
in Bangalore, India.

The following grants were also approved from our last meeting, totaling

* Meetup expense: Champaign-Urbana Python User’s Group (Py-CU)
* Meetup expense: PyLadies Helsinki Meetup (Jan - June 2017)
* Meetup expense: Pyladies Chicago's Meetup.com (Jan 2017 - June 2017)
* The first Django Girls workshop, Johannesburg
* Django Girls Workshop Lagos
* International Nigeria Statistical Society Conference
* Django Girls Osogbo, Nigeria
* Plone Beethoven Sprint happening in March of 2017 in Bonn, German
* DjangoCon US 2017
* PyCon Pune 2017
* Nepal Python Workshops

For more updates from the PSF, please visit our blog[2] and follow us on

[1] https://www.python.org/psf/records/board/minutes/2017-02-06/
[2] https://pyfound.blogspot.com/
[3] https://twitter.com/ThePSF

Director, Python Software Foundation
Fedora Cloud Engineer
CPython Core Developer
PSF-Community mailing list

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