Nossa, nossa, nossa.

   Bem, a única coisa que posso fazer é ajudar... tenho participado de algumas 
como alguns arquivos do DTTP, e algumas outras pequenas traduções. A primeira 
coisa que posso dizer é: crie um local que as pessoas possam contribuir, sei 
la, coloque os arquivos .PO ou .ALGUMACOISA a ser traduzido num servidor com 
CVS ou SUBVERSION, libera na lista, e comece a traduzir você também. Com 
certeza, algumas pessoas (como eu), poderemos estar ajudando você nesta 
empreitada. Não que todos sejamos as pessoas com tempo sobrando, nem que eu 
seja webmaster, mas estamos ai pra isso, comunidade.. compartilhar.. mas alguém 
tem que começar. Eu já tenho meus próprios projetos e projetos que faço parte.. 
mas dar uma mãozinha com certeza não custa nada.
   É isso ae companheiro, corre atrás ae, Código Livre, SourceForge, tem 
tantos.. ;)

Qualquer coisa, mail na lista ok?

[ ]'s
Brivaldo Jr (Condector)

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thomas T. Soares" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Projeto Software Livre BRASIL" <>
> Subject: Re: [PSL-Brasil] Quando vamos ter o NVU em   portugu�s? (Re: 
> Programas para criar site no    Linux)
> Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 18:19:17 -0300
> On Sat, 2006-08-12 at 16:21 -0300, Queridinhozinho wrote:
> > Tu deves saber melhor do que eu por que esse programa deve ser
> > traduzido! Estamos aqui, supostamente, militando pela mesma causa!
> > Bem lembrado: Cadê os webmasters lusófonos capazes de fazê-lo?
> Basicamente só precisa saber Inglês e Português para fazer esta
> localização...
> Os conhecimentos técnicos são mínimos.
> Author: Sébastien Desvignes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Date: 05 february 2005
> Introduction
> As you may already know, Nvu is based on the Mozilla Composer. This has
> two big advantages, first the localization process is more or less the
> same as Mozilla, second if Mozilla has been translated into your
> language, you can reuse a lot of strings and files from Mozilla and
> Firefox.
> There are already many documents about the localization of Mozilla, you
> don't need to read all of them, but some of your questions may find an
> answer in them. Don't forget to check if there is an active community
> translating Mozilla into your language, they could help you.
> What needs to be localized
> The localizable resources in Mozilla based products are supposed to be
> all externalized into editable files, which can be categorized into
> three groups:
>        * chrome files: They're an actual part of the application's user
>          interface. These files need to be registered so the application
>          can locate and access them.
>          Once the resources are registered, they can be reached through a
>          "fake" address path (an URI), like similar way a web page
>          contained in the hard drive of a web server can be accessed
>          through an URL address.
>          Once chrome resources are registered for several languages, it's
>          easy for the application to bind the "fake" address to the
>          actual location of one of these language resources, so that the
>          UI language can be transparently switched.
>          In the English distribution of Nvu, these files are packed
>          inside zip archives placed in the binaries chrome/ folder:
>                * en-US.jar: contains the bulk of the UI language
>                  resources, used by the builds of every platform.
>                * cascades.jar: contains the CSS editor and its
>                  localization (version 0.70 and less). You only need to
>                  localize the locale folder inside it. Since the version
>                  0.80 of Nvu, the cascades locale has moved into the
>                  en-US.jar file, so you no longer need to treat this
>                  file.
>                * help.jar (optional): contains the help application, and
>                  the help content. If you wish to translate the help
>                  files, you only need to localize the locale folder
>                  inside it.
>        * profile defaults (optional): They're the localized user profile
>          template files used when a new profile is created, and are
>          located into defaults/profile/[country-code]/ binaries folder.
>          Well, in fact it is broken in all the new toolkit applications
>          (Firefox, Thunderbird, and Nvu).
>        * additional material (optional): In this category can fall all
>          the other files not strictly needed by the application for the
>          conventional operations, like spell checker dictionaries, and so
>          on…
> The main work
> Some people involved in Mozilla products localization use a tool named
> Mozilla Translator. I don't use it myself, but you may find it good for
> this task. There is a good document that explain how to use the Mozilla
> Translator to localize Firefox. Most of this document should apply to
> Nvu, but it may be a little outdated.
> Now, I will explain the manual way for working on the translation.
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