
Primeiramente, peço desculpas por um eventual cross-posting caso o seguinte pedido de informação já tenha circulado aqui na lista do PSL BR (estive por duas semanas e meia sem poder acessar computador, estou agora lendo e respondendo em ordem cronológica).

Alguém saberia dizer se existe posição da ECT (Correios do Brasil) relativa a uso obrigatório de software proprietário para correios, conforme decisão passada da Unión Postal de América, España y Portugal (UPAEP)? se existe posição da ECT em favor de uma revisão desta diretriz?

Quem pergunta é um ativista do Equador, observador da FSFLA, visando integrar ações, conforme a msg abaixo. No mais, alguma sugestão de quem contactar no ECT, com posição favorável à padrões abertos livres?


-------- Mensagem original --------
Assunto:        [Team] Privative software and internactional mail companies
Data:   Fri, 18 Jan 2008 09:32:27 -0500
De:     rafael bonifaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all,

Yesterday we had a meeting with the informatics administrator (Santiago
Barragan) of the state mail company (Correos del Ecuador <>).
They are people willing to help us on the migration to free software in
the goverment. They told us that mail post office all America and Europe
must use an specifc privative software for their servers that must run
on Windows 2003 servers. The clients are free of charge and must run a
windows plataform.

The main problem is the UPAEP (Unión Postal de: América, España y
Portugal) took this decision some years ago on a votation. All countries
that are in the UPAEP must respected this resolution. That is really bad
for the mail offices and really good for privative software :(.

 From the meeting with Santiago I also learn that there are countries
that are in favor on free software inside the UPAEP are: Cuba,
Venezuela, Ecuador and Argentina[1]. The countries that are against are:
Colombia, Perú, Chile and Uruguay. I ask about Brazil and they told me
that Brazil did not had an opinion on the subject. The position of the
other countires I don't know, but I may get access to that information.

I also learn that there is the UPU (Unión Postal Universal), and from
what I remember they had the same position about this privative software
for the mail post office.

The name of this software is call: IPS (International Posting System).
It would be nice if people from other countries can verify if their mail
offices are using this software and if it is true that the must use this

[1] I was told that argentina mail post office is using ubuntu on their
desktops. I know is not 100% free software but is really a great step




prof. Pedro Antonio Dourado de Rezende /\
Computacao - Universidade de Brasilia /__\
tcp: Libertatis quid superest digitis serva
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