Já estamos nos mexendo para realizar o Dia da Liberdade do Documento.
Vai ser realizado em março do próximo ano. no dia 25.
É importante uma avaliação de como foi o evento ano passado e o que fazer para melhorar.
Quem tá afim de trabalhar :)
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Marcus de Vasconcelos Diogo da Silva
Celular: +55 85 88777045

---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
Remetente: "Ivan Jelic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Data: 04/12/2008 15:58
Assunto: [Df-teams] DFD09 warm up
Para: "df" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dear friends,

We did a great job for DFD08, so it's time to start thinking about DFD09, after some time of silence. First of all, I would like to make a call for calendar marking to March the 25th :)

Beside the actions we've done during the preparations for DFD09, I think that we should try to evaluate all aspects of DFD08 organization and realization and make conclusions in order to improve what went wrong than. I believe that now we will have more time to improve DFD Packs production and distribution process which will hopefully reach you this time too. There are quite lots of stuff to talk about I think, so it's right time to start.

Feel free to start new thread about an issues that bothered you the most during DFD08 organization, so we can focus and find the best solution.

I am looking forward to work with you again. :)


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