[PSL-Brasil] Stallman na Latinoware

2007-11-05 Por tôpico Julian Carlo Fagotti
CONFIRMADA A VINDA DE RICHARD STALLMAN À LATINOWARE! 5 novembro, 2007 - 11:56 — admin Richard Stallman estará na Latinoware 2007!! Ela fará sua palestra: The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System na abertura do evento. Rich

[PSL-Brasil] (fora de assunto) job Programs Manager for the Open Source Initiative

2007-11-05 Por tôpico Marcus de Vasconcelos Diogo da Silva
http://www.opensource.org/positions/Programs-Manager Programs Manager for the Open Source Initiative Job Description and Solicitation Application Format: Please send a resume in an open format (e.g., ASCII, PDF, ODF) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Include two references and salary preference. Only shor