Re: [PSL-Brasil] HTML 5 drops open-source video codec

2009-07-07 Por tôpico Fabianne Balvedi
primeiro de tudo: eles já haviam anunciado faz um tempão
que não iam recomendar apenas um codec no HTML5.
pq a surpresa?

segundo: jpg, gif e png nunca tiveram suporte no HTML4
e mesmo assim todos os navegadores entendem estas imagens.
O png o explorer não lia, mas se viu obrigado a suportar.

terceiro: quem define o que fica são os usuários! bora usar
essa tag video aí a rodo que é pro trem se firmar e não
dar chance pra não ser implementada, os outros navegadores
que corram atrás do prejuízo.

Não foi assim com o formato png?

Que seja assim com o ogg!

(argh, até rimou...)

2009/7/6 Vítor Baptista
 HTML 5 will no longer specify Ogg Theora as its video codec, the Google
 employee who maintains the burgeoning web-coding standard has announced.

 Ian Hickson wrote on Monday that he was reluctantly dropping the open
 standard due to opposition from Apple, and said the rival H.264 codec could
 also not be specified due to opposition from other browser vendors. This
 means HTML 5 will not specify a single codec for web development.

 One of the key features of HTML 5 is its native handling of rich media
 such as video and audio through the and tags, which mean web developers do
 not have to rely on proprietary products such as Adobe's Flash or
 Microsoft's Silverlight.

 However, there is no suitable codec that all vendors are willing to
 implement and ship, Hickson wrote on the website of the Web Hypertext
 Application Technology (WHAT) Working Group, the coalition of companies
 working to develop HTML 5.

 I have therefore removed the two subsections in the HTML 5 spec in which
 codecs would have been required, and have instead left the matter undefined,
 as has in the past been done with other features like IMG and image formats,
 and plugin APIs, or web fonts and font formats, Hickson wrote.

 Vítor Baptista
 Comissão Organizadora
 III Encontro de Software Livre da Paraíba
 19, 20 e 21 de Junho de 2009
 Estação Ciência, Cultura e Artes Cabo Branco
 João Pessoa, PB.

 PSL-Brasil mailing list
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Fabianne Balvedi
GNU/Linux User #286985
A felicidade é uma coisa muito séria.
José Saramago
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[PSL-Brasil] HTML 5 drops open-source video codec

2009-07-06 Por tôpico Vítor Baptista

 *HTML 5 will no longer specify Ogg Theora as its video codec, the Google
 employee who maintains the burgeoning web-coding standard has announced.*

 Ian Hickson wrote on 
  he was reluctantly dropping the open standard due to opposition from
 Apple, and said the rival H.264 codec could also not be specified due to
 opposition from other browser vendors. This means HTML 5 will not specify a
 single codec for web development.

 One of the key features of HTML 5 is its native handling of rich media such
 as video and audio through the and tags, which mean web developers do not
 have to rely on proprietary 
 as Adobe's Flash or Microsoft's Silverlight.

 However, there is no suitable codec that all vendors are willing to
 implement and ship, Hickson wrote on the website of the Web Hypertext
 Application Technology (WHAT) Working Group, the coalition of companies
 working to develop HTML 5.

 I have therefore removed the two subsections in the HTML 5 spec in which
 codecs would have been required, and have instead left the matter undefined,
 as has in the past been done with other features like IMG and image formats,
 and plugin APIs, or web fonts and font formats, Hickson wrote.

Vítor Baptista
Comissão Organizadora
III Encontro de Software Livre da Paraíba
19, 20 e 21 de Junho de 2009
Estação Ciência, Cultura e Artes Cabo Branco
João Pessoa, PB.
PSL-Brasil mailing list
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