primeiro de tudo: eles já haviam anunciado faz um tempão
que não iam recomendar apenas um codec no HTML5.
pq a surpresa?

segundo: jpg, gif e png nunca tiveram suporte no HTML4
e mesmo assim todos os navegadores entendem estas imagens.
O png o explorer não lia, mas se viu obrigado a suportar.

terceiro: quem define o que fica são os usuários! bora usar
essa tag video aí a rodo que é pro trem se firmar e não
dar chance pra não ser implementada, os outros navegadores
que corram atrás do prejuízo.

Não foi assim com o formato png?

Que seja assim com o ogg!

(argh, até rimou...)

2009/7/6 Vítor Baptista <>:
>> HTML 5 will no longer specify Ogg Theora as its video codec, the Google
>> employee who maintains the burgeoning web-coding standard has announced.
>> Ian Hickson wrote on Monday that he was reluctantly dropping the open
>> standard due to opposition from Apple, and said the rival H.264 codec could
>> also not be specified due to opposition from other browser vendors. This
>> means HTML 5 will not specify a single codec for web development.
>> One of the key features of HTML 5 is its native handling of rich media
>> such as video and audio through the and tags, which mean web developers do
>> not have to rely on proprietary products such as Adobe's Flash or
>> Microsoft's Silverlight.
>> However, "there is no suitable codec that all vendors are willing to
>> implement and ship", Hickson wrote on the website of the Web Hypertext
>> Application Technology (WHAT) Working Group, the coalition of companies
>> working to develop HTML 5.
>> "I have therefore removed the two subsections in the HTML 5 spec in which
>> codecs would have been required, and have instead left the matter undefined,
>> as has in the past been done with other features like IMG and image formats,
>> and plugin APIs, or web fonts and font formats," Hickson wrote.
> --
> Vítor Baptista
> Comissão Organizadora
> III Encontro de Software Livre da Paraíba
> 19, 20 e 21 de Junho de 2009
> Estação Ciência, Cultura e Artes Cabo Branco
> João Pessoa, PB.
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