Hello Nickus

On May 19, 2011, at 8:03 AM, Nickus de Vos wrote:
> you get experience if nobody gives you a chance, well in the last 6
> months I have asked that question over and over but that's just how it
> is. It's not a easy industry to get in to.

The industry as a whole is really suffering right now.  There are way to many 
people trying to do jobs that are disappearing.  I understand your frustration. 
 My plan is to hang in there and do as much as I can.  Music always seems to 
suffer the most during economic down turns.  At some point people will decide 
that they want to spend money on nice recordings of good musicians actually 
playing music.  The object is to be in a position to work when the work shows 
up again.  For some of us we just enjoy recording.  If I go blow $$$ on gear 
that I keep for the next 30 years then I can record for 30 years.  That brings 
me great joy.  How much is it worth to you to make recordings?  Or maybe you 
don't buy gear but you rent studio time at place that has great gear that you 
wouldn't be able to afford otherwise.  Either way find a way to record if 
that's what you love to do.  

Take care

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