Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Ronald Glaser. You can either
address me as Ronald, or as Ron, preferably Ron. I am 43 years old,
and currently reside in Aberdeen SD, although I'm currently at an
independent living program, (No, not ACB, nor NFB,) located in Sioux
Falls. - That will be finnished however mid February, at which
point... well, it's a long story... anyway... I'll just leave it to
say I may be moving to the Charlotte NC area. Yes, I do know
Christopher Gilland. He and I both run the ministry you see at the
bottom of all his e-mails. So yes. I know him face to face, quite
well! We go way back!

The reason for me joining this list is, the state of SD is very
seriously considering buying me all the equipment I'll need to get
started using ProTools from a blind standpoint. I already have a mac,
which I know is good enough specs to easily support ProTools. I've
done lots of homework on that front!

Where I am getting stuck is, more or less, mixers/interfaces as well
as possible control surfaces. Currently, I use Reaper both on Windows,
as well as the mac. I don't know that I totally right now want to
throw Reaper down the bath tub's drain, sota speak, but in the long
run, my ultimate goal would be to get some training through Chris, as
well as look at the ProTools With Speech stuff done by Matt Diemert,
and Rod. I've heard some of it while down visiting Chris over
christmas, and was highly impressed at the level of what all was
covered in depth. For its price, I don't think I can beat it!

I'm no newby when it comes to audio production, as my mother, Wanda,
who God rest her soul left us in 2016, and I did a lot of things in
that field helping others. That said, I am indeed a newby with the
more pro-grade end of things. I say this to say, I know a fair amount
of termanology and what not, so don't feel like you have to be super
super super elementary with me. Keep it general, but I'm no baby
either when it comes to this stuff.

So, here is what I'm currently thinking, and I wanted to reach out to
you all with these questions.

Firstly, are there any places like Sweetwater in the US that sell
ProTools already bundled with an iLok included? All be it, I know
they're only about $50.00, (give or take a bit of shipping cost,) but
I figured that if I could get it included somehow with my order, that
would simplify things a bit.

Secondly, here's the interface I'm currently looking at. I saw one at
Sam Ash Music, and absolutely fell in love with the thing! I'm
thinking of the Yamaha MG10XU 10 Channel Mixer with USB and SPX
Effects. Find out more at:


This page should also have the manual. I'm going to go through it
myself, actually. I think it's a PDF, so it shouldn't be that terribly

What I need to ascertain however is, firstly, I want to get a mike
bundle package now that Sam Ash is locally offerring here. It comes
with a mike cable, (XLR of corse,) a floor mike stand, and an SM58
mike. You're looking just over $200 for the bundle.


Firstly though, isn't the SM58 a dynamic mike, not a condenser? I hear
these are great mikes, I've heard them in action, and they sound
wonderful! The only thing is, if it's a dynamic mike, then wouldn't I
need some kind of a pre between the mike and my interface? I'm
thinking otherwise, I won't get enough input signal to the board to
drive that mike at any decent level. I hear these mikes are more
designed for live performances than for studio sessions. I'm planning
to record both singing lead vocals, maybe some backings multi tracked,
as well as using it for spoken word. I'm looking for a bright crisp
yet warm praise and worship style kind of sound. I'll be recording
both unplugged acoustic as well as full band style material in the
long term. This Yamaha board definitely does have a 40V I think it is
phantom power on/off, not that I'd need that with the SM58, but with
something like a Blue Bluebird which I'm also considering, I would, as
that is a condenser mike. I'm pretty sure it's cardioid for the pickup
pattern. It's definitely not figure 8's. The effects on this board by
the way are accessible from what I can see. They're just dials.

My biggest question is however, do any of you all know if this board
can toggle on/off the direct input monitor. I don't want to be
monitoring both through the board's incoming signal as well as the
monitor within ProTools on my armed track/tracks. I'd rather set up a
send within ProTools either to a bus/output, or to an AUX input, and
monitor that way, or of corse if the Yamaha has any sends already on
board, that would be nice. Also, I might use this board with Skype
when doing some internet broadcasting, so mix minus would also be a
great feature to have, but at the very least, I'm not buying this
thing without knowing first if direct monitoring can be turned on or
off, or at least  level adjusted down to essentially nul. So, what do
you all think of this setup? Do you think the Yamaha would work? Also,
does anyone know if this board is just an interface, or does it have
full control surface ability as well. For its cost, I highly doubt
it's a surface, but, hey, you never know! We might be surprised, I
mean, admittedly, this does look like a damn nice unit!

Thank you for any guidance.


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