
I doubt very seriously there is anything stock with ProTools, but figured I'd ask on list about this, just out of the purely rare chance that I'm missing something.

So, in Logic, they have a loop browser. Normally you turn it on and off with the letter o.

I know this list isn't Logic, but just hear me out, and humor me. In here, you could do things like selecting the tempo or if you want the loop to be tempo synced, you could choose the instrument or a full combo, the key signature, time signature, and even the genre of music for the loop..

So, do we have something similar to this, Kommplete Kontrol stuff not withstanding, just stock out of the box that is kind of equivalent?

My goal would be to be able to trigger the loop via a midi controller, so I could play a note, say, middle C, and cause the loop to follow playing it's pattern with a C chord, or something based around the C mager chord, at the very least as long as I'm holding down that note/chord.

Hopefully, what I'm asking makes sense.


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