Hi Bryan,
Have you tested quickeys with PT HD running and instantiating a short cut in the Plugins window?

What is the current quickeys version to get??
Who has it for the most cost effective price?
I'v seen it for $59.00?
Thanks again
On Dec 15, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

QuicKeys should work there. It can position the mouse, or position and click, or drag/drop.


-----Original Message-----
From: ptaccess@googlegroups.com [mailto:ptacc...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Chuck Reichel
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 11:47 AM
To: ptaccess@googlegroups.com
Subject: Is there a "go to" a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver

Hi Listers,
I am looking for a Go to a specific coordinate command in VoiceOver?
Is there a specific command in VoiceOver to tell the cursors to go to say 9 inches over and 5 inches down?
I haven't found it in VoiceOver?
I know VoiceOver will announce the position by hitting mouse location twice "VO f5" I need to get to a screen position in Avids ProTools plugin window that VO won't read! There is a "Load" button for waves tool bar that has to be accessed to get to the Presets to load them. I already tried mouse keys even after 96 clicks to the right and 96 clicks down LOL several times the load button wont click!
I am not sure Quickeys operates inside the PT Plugin window!
any thoughts?

Chuck Reichel

Chuck Reichel

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