Hi Chris,
Here is a great resource  for the best wire and patch-bays in the USA.
Several of us here on the list have been using Redco for years.
Chris Stubbs
Redco Audio
1701 Stratford Ave
Stratford, CT 06615
P 800.572.7280
P 203.502.7600
F 203.502.7610

I use 3 of these bays I bring "EVERYTHING" on the back of the Control 24 over to my patch-bays by the way. The Isopatch Bantambays have a physical separator every 2 channels so finding a location on the bay is a breeze! I believe the c-24 has the same basic DB25 connectors as my control-24 the Isopatch Bantambays have the same DB25 conectors.
After you design  the layout you want you just plug and play! LOL
Contact me off list for detailed detailes.
Talk soon

Chuck Reichel

On Dec 17, 2010, at 6:08 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:

I don't remember if I introduced myself on the list before, but my name is Chris Snyder. I'm working with a ProTools nine HD two system, and I'm using c/24 control interface. Does anyone have experience with the c24? I'm having some wiring and routing path issues. Plus I'm trying to understand where the analog ends and the digital begins and vise-versa. I mean, with the old Mackie, I knew it was analog, and I knew where all my inputs and outputs were. Now it seems that with these giant DB25 cables, I just don't understand how to route things.
Any help would be appreciated.

Chuck Reichel

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