OK, I know there's been sort of ish a thread going on about this, dealing with instruments and such.

Basically, I've made a stereo midi track, and have assigned the in and outs both to my USB Uno midi interface. I have both the in and out set to channel 1. Now, on this channel strip, if I go to the choose patch button, I think it's called, and vo+space, I get a dialog where I, presumingly guess! I'd set what patch I want to use. Well, I cannot make heads to tails of this dialog. It's not that it looks inaccessible, though it may be, but I'm just not getting my head around I to do this.

All I wanna do, is say, switch it from a grand piano say over to a clean guitar patch.

In the GM set, 00, is grand piano, and I think 37, if I remember right is the clean electric guitar. I'm just not getting how to change this.

Also when I hit the change button in there, a file browser comes up, and lands me in the digidesign folder, which isn't really seeming to do me much good. I was hoping I could just browse through a list of the instruments in the GM set by name, but that doesn't seem to work. The bank is set I think to none, and so is the patch popup button. the problem is, aside from none, I don't see anything else in those popup buttons. To make it even sttranger, if I set both my in and out on my channel strip to channel 2 on the USB Uno interface, then that won't work, and I get no sound at all. I'm only getting audio triggered from my midi if I'm on channel 1, or so it seems, unless I doing it wrong, which is highly likely.

Be ware this USB interface isn't a full controler, nor is it a full interface with xlr mike jacks, line jacks etc. all this is, is a y cable, that basically one end is USB, the other end is the two rounded midi plugs, one for in and one for out. So, I run the two ends into midi in and out of my keyboard, then the other end obviously goes into a USB port on my macbook.

I've gotten this to work perfectly in Garage Band, so I know it's not a hardware issue nor a driver issue. It's a matter a me not knowing in PT how to set this up correctly, and change my patches.

Eventually, I do want to evolve into using real instrument software tracks, but for now, a midi track just using the GM set is fine. So, let's for now, at least, just focus on getting me up and running that way.

We'll worry about the instrument tracks later, unless it's necessary to make what I"m trying to accomplish now, work, which I don't suspect it is.



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