In comp.soft-sys.ptolemy, Robert Rozman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

    I plan to integrate Ptolemy II into my educational work (instructing
    Digital Signal Processing at the Faculty for Computer Science).
    I wonder if there are any applets available to be used in this manner
    (beside demos in original ptolemy site) ?
    I'd like to have source code also, so students can upgrade them and play
    with them in ptolemy.
    Thanks in advance,
    Robert Rozman
Sounds great!

If you use Ptolemy II applets, students will be required to install
the Java 1.2 (or later) Plug-in.

Professor Lee wrote a number of applets for EECS 20, Structure &
Interpretation of Signals and Systems.

These applets can be found at:

These applets use parts of Ptolemy II, but since Ptolemy II requires
Java 1.2 or better, which is only found in the Java Plug-in, I believe
Professor Lee decided to stick with Java 1.1.  It looks like some of the
applets are written in the style of Ptolemy II, so porting them to
the most recent release of Ptolemy II would not be that difficult.

However, we do not have a separate release of the source for these

BTW - Ptplot3.1 is the most recent release of Ptplot that will work with
Java 1.1.  Ptplot5.1p1 is the most recent release of Ptplot, but it
requires Java 1.2


Christopher Hylands    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  University of California
Ptolemy/Gigascale Silicon Research Center     US Mail: 558 Cory Hall #1770
ph: (510)643-9841 fax:(510)642-2739           Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
home: (510)526-4010                           (Office: 400A Cory)

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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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