The Ptolemy Classic NT port is fairly slow because of signal interaction
issues between Cygwin, Tk and Ptolemy Classic.  I was hoping that
the next release of Cygwin would fix some of these issues, but
there has not been a new release of the Cygwin toolkit in some time.

The installation process is fairly complex.  

I suggest that you use Ptolemy Classic under Linux instead.

The instructions you refer to below are for 0.7.2devel.  I'll send you
a pointer to the 0.7.2devel sources under a separate message.



    I am a student who is a beginner like Windows NT administrator and I am 
    trying to install Ptolemy 0.7.1 over WNT4.0.
    I have being following the steps of the "Detailed nt4 Installation 
    Instructions" which appear in, but I have
    had some problems:
    The step 6, says:
         " Create /etc/passwd and /etc/group by running
         mkdir /etc
         mkpasswd -d -l -g > /etc/passwd
         mkgroup -d -l > /etc/group"
    When I write in the Cygwin "mkpasswd -d -l -g > /etc/passwd" I get the next
    error message: "NetUserEnum() failed wigh 1326" and the same with the other
    command. I get the files "passwd" and "group" but with no length.
    In another step I must write:
        "chown -R yourlogin ."
    where "yourogin" is por example "ptolemy" (I have created it). The error 
    message which appears is: "chown: ptolemy: invalid user"
    The last step for building Ptolemy tell me to write:
         "make -k ntbuild >& make.out"
    The problem is that it seems like if the computer was building nothing, and
    I get a make.out file which only contain the next:
    "make: *** No rule to make target `ntbuild'"
    I think I have done ok the rest of the steps, but I have no foler like
    $PTOLEMY/bin.nt4, that is where I think the compiler is installed nor one 
    like $PTOLEMY/obj.nt4.
    Please, can anybody help me about these problems?
    Thank you very much in advance,
    Juan Carlos.
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