I would like to add to Christopher's response to...

>"J. Sukarno Mertoguno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    Is there anyway that I can get ptolemy 2 running on Linux.
>    Seems that the problem is JDK 1.2, (java plug in), is not
>    available for Linux yet (and who knows when it is going to be
>    available). Can the earlier version of ptolemy II be installed on
>    Linux, which version? 
>    It seems to me that using java might be the limiting factor as far as 
>    usage/users are concerned, since it put it/us on the mercy of SUN.
>    Best regards,
>    Karno

We agonized over the decision to go with JDK 1.2, so I would like to
explain why we did this.  JDK 1.2 includes significant improvements both
in the UI packages and in the collections capabilities (sets, bags, linked
lists, etc.).  The latter was actually the deciding factor.  In the long
run, the new collections classes are clearly the solution we want.
They have much better performance than the old, and are much cleaner and
more elegant. We found ourselves writing too much code with comments

    // FIXME: When we switch to JDK 1.2, replace this with HashMap.

The problem is that realistically, that "FIXME" will never be dealt
with...  So we decided that all new code should be written using
features of JDK 1.2.

The platform problem, I'm convinced, is a transient.  We are aiming
for a "version 1.0" release of Ptolemy II around the end of the year
(or maybe early 1900 -- oops, sorry, Y2K problem :-).  I fully expect
JDK 1.2 to be available on many platforms by then (with the possible
exception of Macs, which I think still don't even support JDK 1.1).


Edward A. Lee                              Professor
phone: 510-642-0455                     EECS Dept., Cory Hall 
fax: 510-642-2739                         University of California 
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Berkeley, CA 94720 

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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