The way that the Java version of Pxgraph (Ptplot) gets installed from
within Ptolemy Classic is a little more complex that it should be.

See $PTOLEMY/src/pxgraph/README.txt for details.

The install rule in $PTOLEMY/src/pxgraph/makefile creates a link
from $PTOLEMY/bin.$PTARCH to tycho/java/ptolemy/plot/pxgraph

The version of Ptplot that shipped with 0.7.1 requires JDK1.1.x

Your path needs to include the directory where the java interpreter
resides, usually something like /opt/jdk1.1.7/bin

Note that the latest version of Ptplot requires JDK1.2 for the
standalone applications.  The applets will run with a JDK1.1.x JVM



          I am using the newer version pxgraph (jave implementation). It cannot
    find the path for pxgaph even after I have set up the path ($PTOLEMY/tycho/
   java/ptplot). Can anyone tell me what paths I need to setup  to run pxgraph 
   ? Is there any specific version of java that it needs to run ? Thank you in 

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