Hi Glen,

Sorry, I'm just now catching up on your feedback.

On 2015/06/25 20:58, Glen Huang wrote:
Also curious about two things:

1. Is zero duration, forwards filled, single keyframe effect valid and
fills with the keyframe?;
new KeyframeEffect(el, {position: "static"}, {fill: "forwards"}) // is
el's position static after the effect is played?

Yes, that's correct.

2. Are partial keyframes valid and properties specified in a keyframe
extends to the next one?
el.style.position = "static";
new KeyframeEffect(el, [{
position: "absolute",
prop: val1
}, {
// is position absolute in this keyframe?
prop: val2
}], {duration: 1000, fill: "forwards"})

Yes, partial keyframes are valid. The defined behavior here is:

* Since there is no keyframe at offset 1 for 'position', one will be created with the 'neutral composition value' and 'composite: add'.[1] * The neutral composition value is some value that, when added to the underlying value, produces the underlying value.[2] So in this case it's going to be some kind of null-like value (that, in this case, will evaluate to 'static' when we add it to 'static').

As a result, this should interpolate from 'position: absolute' to 'position: static'.

Best regards,


[1] http://w3c.github.io/web-animations/#the-effect-value-of-a-keyframe-animation-effect, step 8
[2] http://w3c.github.io/web-animations/#neutral-value-for-composition


On Jun 22, 2015, at 6:21 PM, Shane Stephens <sh...@google.com
<mailto:sh...@google.com>> wrote:

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 7:07 PM Glen Huang <curvedm...@gmail.com
<mailto:curvedm...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    The conversation unfortunately died.

    Maybe the use cases aren't compelling enough. That's totally fine.
    The only question I have is that in the responding mail, you said

    You can do this with closures too. Just toggle the class in the

    But I don't think I can.

    Your original suggestion was that I should negate styles in the
    keyframes, and since the effect is only backwards filled, those
    negations will go aways when the effect is no longer active.

    Now, by toggling class I assume you mean I should put these
    negations inside a class and enable that class when closure is
    called? But now when the effect is no longer active, the class
    won't be removed automatically. So when do I remove it manually?
    There is no hook in the effect to notify me when the effect is no
    longer active.

Basically, you set your final state in CSS then override using the
animation. For example, before the animation starts you set:
navBar.style['justify-content'] = "space-between";

Then in your animation, you "animate" justify-content from "center" to
"center". It holds that value while it fills forwards.

When the animation is done, use the onfinish hook to cancel it, and
the value stops applying, falling back to the final state you've set
up in CSS.

    I have another use case that could be covered by this hook: when
    multiple effects are nested, I want some of them to fill forwards,
    but others to fill forwards until the root effect is no longer
    active. With this hook, I can change the nested effect's fill to
    none in the hook of the root effect.

Again though this is using events to set the visual state, which you
really shouldn't do. Instead, this sounds like some kind of advanced
groups case - given that we haven't nailed down basic groups yet I
think it's probably a way off before we consider looking at it.

You can in general get a mixture of fill effects by refactoring your
groups appropriately. This doesn't give you everything but it gets you
a long way.


    So the question is, since such hook doesn't exist, is there any
    other way to achieve the things I described?

In general - yeah, though some of them may be difficult. Another
question, though, is 'does this hook fit with the realities of
animation' - sadly the answer here is no, because it's impossible for
us to give you an event callback in which it's safe to modify visual


    Thank you very much.

    On May 27, 2015, at 3:24 PM, Shane Stephens <sh...@google.com
    <mailto:sh...@google.com>> wrote:

    Hi Glen,

    On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 5:09 PM Glen Huang <curvedm...@gmail.com
    <mailto:curvedm...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hi, I recently tried to manage very complex animation, and
        realized I need this feature:

        When animations fire ready and finish events, they first
        bubble into to the associated effects, if effects have
        nesting children, recursively bubble into them, after that,
        bubble back to animations, much like how dom events work.

        Do you think it makes sense?

    I think it sounds complicated, and it doesn't match the intention
    of events well. If you have some specific examples where you want
    this behavior, perhaps we can work through them with you?

        My use case is like this:

        There are many components in a page. Each different
        combinations of them can chain together to create an
        animation. To make things manageable, I design the components
        so that they can each return effects pertaining to its part
        in different animation sequences. And when a particular
        animation is required, I select the corresponding components
        and their corresponding effects, composite these effects and
        play it.

        The difficulty is that each components now only has control
        for its turn in the animation, but sometimes it needs to
        change styles after/before the whole animation sequence
        (e.g., pull itself out of flow before/after the animation).

    You must be walking your component list to generate these
    animation effects. Why not generate closures for what you need to
    do before the animation sequence starts while walking the list,
    then apply them centrally when you start the animation?

        With the proposed API, it's as simple as changing styles in
        the corresponding event hooks.

    Yes, but at the cost of a great deal of complexity in the
    implementation. You're also assuming synchronous events (more on
    this below).

        However, Shane suggested an alternative solution: before the
        animation starts, change each component's styles to the
        desired final value, and use backwards filled effect to
        negate the styles before animating.

        I think it's a nice solution, but there are a few problems:

          * While returning effects, components' methods need to
            add/remove styles. You can't embed these actions into the
            effect itself. This means the effect must be played in
            the next tick after they are created, which isn't always

    Store the effect update in a closure, and run the closure from
    the same function that plays the animation.

          * This solution requires you to always put the component in
            the final styles first, but sometimes the component is
            easier to animate upon the current styles, and only
            change to the final styles after the animation is finished.

    Given that additive animation is not yet implemented I can't
    understand why this would be true.

          * Negating the styles can be difficult, especially vendor
            prefixes are involved. With event hooks, you can use
            temporary classes to negate the styles, relying on tools
            like autoprefixer to deal with vendor prefixes.

    You can do this with closures too. Just toggle the class in the

        So, in summary, i think bubbling events to effects should
        make managing complex animation much easier, and would like
        to hear your thoughts on this.

        P.S. In order to make these event hooks practical, I think we
        should force that the two events should fire in the same
        event loop as that of the first/last frame. In other words,
        for example, changing styles in the finish event of a
        non-forwards filled effect shouldn't cause FOUC.

    We considered and rejected synchronous events some time back.
    It's impossible to synchronize with the compositor thread.

    In general, you should not be making visual changes in event
    handlers. They can never be genuinely frame-aligned, so doing so
    is just going to be setting yourself up for FOUC or inconsistent
    behaviors between browsers.


        Thank you.

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