The Continuing Saga of



perhaps that should have been 'High' because yet again there has been more High Farce in the Courts of Sunderland, but at least the District Judge Mr. Morgan put in an appearance - though this time the master criminal Steve Thoburn did not!! But more of that anon!

Farce though this case may seem, there is one astonishing thing about it -
it provides PROOF POSITIVE that Britain IS leaving the EUropean Union - 'In the detail lies ALWAYS the devil!! thus, though this may be a long message read it with care and then tell everyone you know to prepare.

It snowed in Sunderland today and the doughty defender of our Imperial Right to Imperial Choice of Imperial measurements Vivian Linacre of THE British Weights and Measures Association was knee deep in snow, on his way to the Courts - sorry I must correct that, as that is not a metric measure - do you realise that to state that one is 'knee' deep is ILLEGAL! if you are to believe our Government and the eminent Prosecution QC Ms. Sharpston, perhaps I should clarify!

Not only does the corrupt and dictatorial Foreign and alien power in
Brussels INSIST [more of that later too] we MAY NOT use Imperial
Measurements, but even more importantly it is claimed, spuriously of course as BRITISH JUSTICE will show [always assuming that it isn't now a privatised concept and sold out to the EU] that in Britain we may ONLY USE metric measurement. Stop and think what this means if Brussels IMPOSES their laws with the collusion of the sad puppets we call our Government - yes feet, inches and yards GO; pints, quarts & gallons GO; pounds, ounces & tons GO; OK are you with me so far?

Under these new foreign and totally un-democratic, un-wanted laws we may ONLY USE metric measurements - won't you feel a prat asking for 0.5 of a glass of milk [always assuming this Government in its enthusiasm to IMPOSE EU law leaves any goats or cows to milk!].

Vivian would have, this morning, found himself 500mm deep in snow - was he? the duplicitous rogue HE WAS NOT - have trading standards arrest him immediately - prosecute him - spend 100s of 1,000 of Pounds of public money and waste time in Courts doing so - 'knee' deep in snow, and EVERYONE knew what was meant, but foresooth I did lie when I said 500mm when I meant 0.49 of a meter I was 10cm out - Awe sod it HE WAS KNEE DEEP.

Just think how troubled Inspector ClueSo would be on a case in Tiny Blur's
cool [crippled might be a better word] New Britania. 'The Inspector heard a
footfall and shortly after another' - just doesn't sound right when you say
'the inspector heard a total of 600mm fall' fooled you - I wasn't confusing
the issue, because the sentence continued 'and about a minute later the
final foot of the icicle broke off and fell to the ground' - ya boo!

NO you MAY NO LONGER, if the EU imposed its way as it wishes, say - a bucket full, nor a sack of, not even a bag full - you can't even say a bath full, a cup full, a teaspoon full or a tank full under the EU law IT CLEARLY STATES IT IS ILLEGAL to use ANY measurement of weight or volume OTHER THAN metric to make a sale.

Stunning isn't it?
Ms. Sharpston a Queen's Councillor on behalf of the Government! is trying to prove in Her majesty's Courts that YOU may ONLY use metric measurements - to comply with the laws of a FOREIGN Government! One can only ask ones self if she is in fact the Councillor of one of the Queens in the Cabinet for I am sure that Her Britannic Majesty would not be so crass as to try to claim that she could no longer give her Mum a generous [illegal measure] portion of gin to mildly fortify a dash [illegal measure] of tonic.

Are the Queens in our Cabinet mad or what - OK don't answer - just look at Farming, the NHS, Crime, Transport, Defence, Fishing, Police, Schools, Political Correctness, Human Rights - need I go on?

Someone suggested the Railways should be re-Nationalised - w h a t !  for
the Government to run, you must be joking, this Government couldn't run a

Back to the courts - Vivian put one 30cm. in front of the other and set out
from the station to the Court and as he crossed the front 91.5cms of the
Court [for civilised people that is the yard but I want to be accurate under
EU law] a large green Bentley swished to a halt with a cheery hoot of its
horn [what is a hoot in metric?] and from within stepped the eminent QC,
Barrister for the Government, Ms. Sharpston - no the chauffeur did not
sombrely sweep away, for the owner of the vehicle was driving, he was
Michael Shrimpton barrister for Steve Thoburn [come on Michael - dinner and
a donation for Derrie Irvine may well get you preferment but delivering Ms.
Sharpston QC to Court from a hotel suite is so much more Michael's style!!!]

Court commenced and the heinous criminal was ill attired for his day before
the scaffold - for which his barrister craved the Courts indulgence, as
Steve had been up since 3am at the market, trying to keep body and soul
together whilst money drained out in £1,000s per hour on his Court costs.
When it was explained to District Judge Mr. Morgan that one of Steve's
drivers had not come to work and thus he had not had time to go home and
shower and change he was most tolerant.

In fact Mr. Morgan was not on good ground here as you will remember he
himself forgot to turn up atall yesterday! No doubt on a quid pro quo
basis!!! Mr. Morgan was good enough to excuse Steve Thoburn for a
considerable time during the day so that, on behalf of Sunderland County
Council!!!!! he could pop round and deliver a few sacks of potatoes and many
bags of veggies and a few pounds of bananas to the old peoples homes of
Sunderland. Sunderland County Council, being fair minded folk, buy veggies
from Steve regularly, betwixt prosecuting him!! when they are not too busy
persecuting Steve they sell his mate Neil Herron prawns by the - wait for
it - yes the hundredweight which of course in Sunderland's
belief must be some ancient *metric* measurement - Sunderland uses divisions
of the hundredweight for weighing fish in its own market; yet it persecutes
Steve for selling a pound of bananas!!!!

All the integrity of Council pointy heads in the cool Britannia of New
Labour, on show for the world to see.

At least the Judge is showing some common sense in this farce - he is at
least permitting the master criminal in this major 7 day case in the Courts
to 'leg it' from the dock and trot off into the sunset to deliver a few more
pounds of bananas to the old folks of Sunderland - since Steve has a 151/2 stone [non metric - sorry - but I know what 151/2 stone looks like and I haven't a clue what it is in grams!] anyway since he has a 151/2 stone frame  to maintain no doubt he grabbed a 12inch pizza from the pizzeria across the road from the courts - before heading back across the front 911/2 cms. of the Court to take his place as the master villain on trial.

By the way Mr. Morgan, having some measured sympathy for Steve's plight, has excused him from attending his own trial tomorrow if he is too busy to turn up!!

Ms. Sharpston put on a bravura performance and in a truly macho style
endeavoured to prosecute her nonsensical case - her logic was bizarre in the extreme, but what else could she do? Her case is dishonest and a result of a foreign power trying to rule OUR country with the Treasonous help of OUR Government.

Sadly no press of consequence were there today - well they all turned up
yesterday but with no judge it was no fun and anyway it was cold and snowy in Sunderland today!! The Sunderland Echo will no doubt carry the story, but it will probably rely on the press handouts of the Sunderland Council where I understand a journalist writing on matters Thoburn just happens to have a wife in the press office - so we can look forward to some wonderful New Labour/Sunderland media spin!!

Anyway for much of the morning Ms. Sharpston was forced not only to praise the work of the defence barrister [Oh really - just for a lift in a
Bentley!!!], she extolled the virtue of his presentation, she lauded his
details of the law, she applauded his reasoned argument and she
congratulated him on his use of sequenced law [perhaps she would like to
send Derrie Irvine a cheque on Michael's behalf and have him elevated to
silk!]. Then she went and spoilt it! She tried to liken Michael to a
magician who saws a woman in half on stage.

Watch out for the posters - Paul Daniels and Debbie replaced by the new
magic act in Sunderland: *Michael Shrimpton Barrister at law will - before your very eyes perform cunning stunts and miraculous magic with his willing accomplice the eminent the lady with silk and the impish locks Ms. Eleanor Sharpston QC* - has Sunderland got a Palladium?

Anyway her act was unconvincing - none of Michael Shrimpton's evidence,
delivered fact after fact, precedent after precedent, quote after quote,
reference after reference had been questioned or challenged during its
delivery by either Ms. Sharpston QC or her supporting barrister or her
advising legal TEAM, NOR had it been challenged by The District Judge - draw your own conclusions!!

The Government's mask is slipping in their desperation to win this case. Ms. Sharpston has legally been caught, metaphorically speaking, with her
knickers round her knees in a cold wind of fact and logic, not to mention
law and custom, which is to ignore rights and freedoms.

Left legally exposed Ms. Sharpston has feebly tried to claim as THE MAIN
reason that Steve Thoburn is the heinous criminal that the Government would claim is that: Under Article 2.2 of The EUropean Communities Act of 1972 [ the number bears checking as I'm working from memory] Government Ministers have a legal right to use a *Statutory Instrument* to change laws made by the British Parliament to suit the EU

This is *outrageous*

IF, & I stress IF:

This means that Britain has NO Rights or Freedoms.

This means Britain is directly ruled by the corrupt and un-democratic EU.

This means Parliament at Westminster is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.

This means that Britain is ruled by a sexually dysfunctional cabal of
zealots - Tiny Blur's Cabinet - who can make absolute law, independent of
Democracy, as the puppets of a Foreign Dictatorship!

IF & I stress IF this is true then 1,000 years of history have been
destroyed by stealth.

IF & I stress IF this is true and Steve Thoburn is found guilty in this
Court, or at any stage of appeal, then it is time to act.

The first action is to empower Her Majesty The Queen to have control of ALL
broadcast media to speak to her peoples.

The second action is to debar Parliament from sitting.

The third action is call upon Her Majesty The Queen to select a Council of
*Honest* citizens to replace Parliament. NOT drawn from said Parliament or the Civil Service which colluded with it.

The fourth action is to empower Her Majesty The Queen to place under the
direct control of Her Council of *Honest* men and women Her Majesty's Armed Forces.

The fifth action is to empower Her Majesty The Queen, together with her
*Honest* Council, to order Her Police Forces to arrest such politicians and
those of Her subjects who were instrumental in this Treason.

The sixth action is for Her *Honest* council to peaceably withdraw every
British envoy and apparatchick from the EU and ALL British troops to within
our borders, honouring only any commitments to Countries of Her Majesty's Commonwealth.

The seventh action is for Her Majesty The Queen, through and with Her
*Honest* council, to announce a 'period' of martial law in these United
Kingdoms - giving an absolute definition of the date for the restoration of
our *Democracy* Rights & Freedoms in accord with The British Constitution.

I speak here ONLY IF!!!!

Thus IF Ms. Sharpston is proved to be right Britain will within a matter of
HOURS of the verdict, should it be one of *GUILTY*, terminate membership of the EUropean Union.

You may be interested to know that Ms. Sharpston, as a part of her argument of the case for and on behalf of the Government, clearly and categorically was understood to state that:

'It is imperative that this Court finds Steve Thoburn guilty as charged.
Britain is a member of the EUropean Union and this is part of the legal
framework of that EUropean Union'.

Further she said:

'If Steve Thoburn is found *NOT* guilty as charged then Britain's position
within the EUropean Union is untenable and Britain would have to leave'.

>From this one can ONLY deduce, since she is THE barrister acting for THE Government, that:

IF Steve Thoburn is found *GUILTY* as charged - Britain will have to leave
the EUropean Union.

IF Steve Thoburn is found *NOT GUILTY* of the charges - Britain will have to
leave the EUropean Union.


IF Steve is found *GUILTY* the peoples of Britain will leave the EU under
Her Majesty The Queen working with an *Honest* Council and a period of
martial law pending restoration of OUR Democracy, OUR Rights & OUR Freedoms.

IF Steve is found *NOT GUILTY* the Government will lead Britain OUT of the EU.

Perhaps in view of the Gravity of this 'e'mail you will heed my request to
send it to EVERY person YOU know.

Please use 'e'mail, telephone and personal contact.

PLEASE print off copies and post them to ALL Public Notice Points YOU can access.

This is a grave challenge for the peoples of these United Kingdoms - but in our history the British peoples have NEVER been found wanting, in the face of challenge, to defend OUR Nation.

The peoples of these United Kingdoms have never betrayed, in recent history, their Monarch.

The Monarch of these United Kingdoms has never, in recent history, betrayed the people.

OUR Politicians in their hubris and arrogance, their greed and complacency have, I would contend, gone a step too far in the betrayal of our peoples and these United Kingdoms.


the entire sad saga of CARRY ON UP THE COURTS may be read on the internet at:

Greg Lance - Watkins,
17  Upper Church Street,
NP16 5EX

Tel/Fax:    01291 - 62 65 62


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