For those interstate, maybe you should see if you can form your own team.
Much later, who knows, maybe a National One Nation football championship. Think about it,
----- Original Message -----
From: Don Mackay
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 5:38 PM
Subject: One Nation Soccer Team

----- Original Message -----
From: bob vinnicombe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2000 10:31 AM
Subject: One Nation Soccer

Dear Don,

Many thanks for your interest.  Unfortunately we did not win, I think we
went down 2-1. However, the important thing was it is was a great way to get
public exposure, and to get people to meet Pauline, etc. She was also down
on Sunday, at the Marconi Club, and had a very successful day there. They
actually making her a member. The Penrith branch finances the soccer team
very heavily, so it is a great credit to them that we have it.  I phoned up
Brian Wiltshire when I got home, and told him about it, and saying how
wonderful it was Pauline would give of herself to come all the way down just
to support the team after all she had been through that morning, and he cut
me off because he thought I was making it up, and his secretary came on the
line and said "That's a joke. There isn't really a One Nation soccer team.
You shouldn't ring up and say things like that",  but someone else rung up
and confirmed it, so he came back and apologised on air later in the
evening, and talked about it with David Oldfield when he interviewed him
next day.

If you want more information phone John Pastega on 98332247.

PS; Support for Pauline's Fighting Fund hasn't reached the Target - If you
can afford to, large or small, You can mail your Donation to PO Box 428,
Ipswich, Qld 4305 --- or At any Commonwealth Bank into Pass Book Account
number - 4417 5015623 ----- Or electronically it's 75 4417 5015623

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