Greetings,  Merry Christmas and a happy,  healthy new year to all.

The Repeal GST Alliance Rally on 9th December 2000. Parramatta, NSW
Australia went without a hitch, copies of the resolutions of the rally
follow for your information and action.  Also some items of interest sale.

Resolution 1.
This rally resolves to demand that the Commonwealth Parliament move to
repeal the Goods and Services Tax.

Resolution 2.
This rally resolves to demand that all political parties adopt a policy to
repeal the Goods and Services Tax.

Resolution 3.
This rally resolves to continue to campaign and march against the Goods and
Services Tax.

Resolution  4.
This rally resolves to demand that the Commonwealth Parliament resolves not
to increase the amount of fuel excise in February as proposed.

Resolution 5.
This rally resolves to demand that the Commonwealth Parliament repeals the
law that allows for quarterly adjustments to the amount of fuel excise.

Resolution 6.
This rally resolves, that if resolutions 1 t 5,  as resolved here today are
not accepted and acted upon by the present Commonwealth Parliament,  by
implementing the full intention of the five resolutions of this rally,  then
we will place all sitting members of the parliament last on our ballot
papers at the next Federal election and all future elections until the
demands of this rally are met by the parliament.

Resolution 7.
This rally resolves, that if resolutions 1 to 5,  as resolved here today are
not accepted and acted upon by the present Commonwealth Parliament,  by
implementing the full intention of the five resolutions of this rally,  then
we will campaign to have all sitting members placed last on the ballot
papers at the next election and all future elections until the demands of
this rally's resolutions are met in full.

The above were resolved unanimously as read by the body of Parramatta Rally.

A copy of the above is in the mail to every elected member of the Federal

Keep an eye out for our campaign, to start shortly,  based on the above
resolutions, better still join the battle in your electorate.

Joe Bryant, Repeal GST Alliance PO Box 270 St Marys NSW 2760.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Phone: 02-9826-1337     Fax: 02-9826-1670.

                        THE POWER OF ONE UNITED

PO Box 270 St Marys NSW 2760    E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Phone: 02-9826-1337.  Fax: 02-9826-1670
Check out


We have for sale some excellent bucket hats, as worn by the male and female
Olympians,  bottle Green,  stiff brim, suitable to wear behind the counter,
at work or at play, golf or tennis, whatever.

The front of the hat displays the words,

TAX COLLECTOR -------------- with anti  GST logo

Shop price $20 - $22.

A perfect way to let people know what is going on and raise conversation
about the issue of GST.

If we can get every small business operator across Australia to wear one of
these hats then we would open up the essential debate about GST and fuel
taxes that would lead to their repeal.

It's the best tool available so let us use it.

Also available white,  cotton,  quality t-shirts with logo on front and the
GST hissing python wrapped around the ever so trusting Aussie, as depicted
on the web site, on the back,  also priced $15 plus postage.
Also money well spent.

Both the above make good Christmas presents.

Also available while they last is a range of bumper stickers.

Joe Bryant


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