Dear Alan,
About 20 years ago I used to have a car number plate saying "WOTNIF" - which was what my children used to say.  I no longer have that plate so you can use it, if you like.
John Wilson.
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gourley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, 2 March 2001 6:35
Subject: Re: Judges overrule Natural Justice AGAIN.

Dear John - Sorry - "IF Onleys" do not carry a lot of weight in the real world, if you understood what other people are doing and have done you would be using your time and money to expose the takeover and not paying them for your distress. You could start with < >  best wishes to your efforts.

John Wilson wrote:

 Dear Alan, No disrespect intended BUT----- what have all you whingers done? Sitting back in your lounge chairs pontificating! Talking about revamping government! Talking about making new laws or new political parties! Talking,  talking,  talking ------doing bugger all and achieving bugger all. You run away and hide like frightened women -- but that's an insult to fightened women. The traitors laugh at pathetic, gutless wimps. I'm no hero.  I'm just doing what has to be done which is face the scum in Court --where all you blow-hards should be. If there were a thousand ---- even a hundred ---- Australians who would simply state their claim to truth and justice IN COURTand expose and prove the treachery of the judges,  then there would be a chance of victory. Until then (as Jeremy Lee once said, ie: another whinger) "the enemy won't even look up from their cup of tea". All the jaw flapping is done. Get off your backside. Yours respectfully, John Wilson.  
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Gourley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, 28 February 2001 10:58
Subject: Re: Judges overrule Natural Justice AGAIN.
 Dear John - How long do you have to keep hitting your head against this concrete wall before you admit what I have been trying to tell you.  You have proven it over and over but still you persist in paying the enemy to stomp on your face. I only hope that you will now face reality-  Alan G.

John Wilson wrote:

 Dear Fellow Australians, In the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Sydney Registry,  Justice Hulme dispensed with Natural Justice (ie: no-one can judge in his own cause) ruled that a Judge (including himself) can determine what jurisdiction they have - such as whether they have the power to deny Trial by Jury in contravention to s.3 of the 1900 Supreme Court Procedure Act (which says that only by consent of both parties can there by a Judge without a Jury). Judges believe they have the power to dispense with our laws and our rights. This was the reason for bringing in the Bill of Rights 1688.  History repeating itself, indeed. The Bill of Rights says those "counsellors, judges and ministers" were "evil" ----and, by golly, that's what we've got today. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Yours sincerely,John Wilson.

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