=== Apologies for multiple postings ===
             Call for Papers and Posters/Demos
       2nd Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP2010)                              
                           November 8th, 2010
 Shanghai International Convention Center, Shanghai, China
Submission deadline - August 20, 2010 (11:59pm Hawaii time)
This workshop provides an arena for proposing and discussing ontology patterns, 
solutions to relevant problems of research and practice in the Semantic Web. 
The aim is to broaden the pattern community that will develop its own 
“language” for discussing and describing ontology patterns. 
The workshop will be held in conjunction with ISWC2010 on November 8th, 2010. 
It will be a full-day workshop consisting of three parts; papers, 
posters/demos, and “pattern writing” sessions. 
---- Research papers and posters Topics  -----
The main aim of the workshop is to discuss and collect solutions to recurrent 
problems i.e. ontology patterns, 
that matter to researchers and practitioners of the Semantic Web field, and 
that impact on ontology design and engineering. 
Original research papers and poster papers are invited to consider the 
following (non exhaustive) list of topics:

Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs) and pattern-based ontology design
ODPs for specific knowledge domains e.g. multimedia, fishery and agriculture, 
user profiling, business modeling, etc.
Anti-patterns and their relations to ODPs
ODPs for interacting with data
ODPs for expressing relevance of data in context
Collaborative ontology design and collaboration patterns in ontology design and 
Correspondence patterns for ontology matching and integration
Lexico-syntactic patterns
Reasoning patterns (workflows made of reasoning steps for addressing specific 
Processes and services - process patterns
Re-engineering patterns for conceptual models, folksonomies, lexicons, thesauri
Problem solving methods and patterns

Ontology Design Patterns and Linked Data
Ontology Patterns and Microformats
Patterns for using different vocabularies together e.g. FOAF, SIOC, DC, etc.
Web semantics from a pattern perspective

Good practices of ontology design
Good practices for Linked Data and related applications
Good practices for hybridization of semantic web and NLP techniques
Good Practices and Patterns of semantic social networks, semantic wikis, 
semantic blogs
Good Practices of Semantic Web in general

Software patterns for Semantic Web applications
Interaction patterns and the Semantic Web
Pattern-based methodologies for Semantic Web ontologies and software engineering
Application Profiles
Domain specific applications based on patterns and success-stories
Pattern-based ontologies

Tools support for pattern-based knowledge engineering
Pattern-based ontology evaluation and selection
Automatic ontology construction (ontology learning) based on patterns
Contextual reasoning and patterns as context
Knowledge patterns and knowledge re-engineering based on patterns
Pattern-based information extraction

Quality evaluation of patterns
Benefits of ontology patterns and knowledge patterns
---- Submissions -----
Submission instructions at 

---- Important Dates ----
•    Submission deadline - August 20
•    Notification of acceptance - September 10
•    Workshop date - November 8
---- WOP2010 Chairs ----
Papers, posters and demos – Valentina Presutti, STLab ISTC-CNR(IT) and Vinay K. 
Chaudhri, SRI International (US)
Patterns - Eva Blomqvist, STLab ISTC-CNR(IT) and Oscar Corcho, Universidad 
Politécnica de Madrid (ES)
Steering Committee
Eva Blomqvist, STLab ISTC-CNR (IT)
Aldo Gangemi, STLab ISTC-CNR (IT)
Natasha Noy, Stanford University (US)
Valentina Presutti, STLab ISTC-CNR (IT)
Alan Rector, University of Manchester (UK)
Francois Scharffe, INRIA (FR)
Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz(DE)
Chris Welty, IBM Research (US)

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