Re: Linked Data Demand & Discussion Culture on this List, WAS: Introducing Semgel, a semantic database app for gathering & analyzing data from websites

2012-07-26 Thread Juan Sequeda
> > However, just to balance the picture slightly ...
> >
> > There are *some* clear, well documented examples of semweb/RDF/LD
> delivering business value through data integration. The most famous of
> these being probably: Garlik (now Experian), Amdocs and arguably the BBC.
> In my experience for every publicised example there are several non-public
> or at least less visible examples of companies quietly using the technology
> internally while not shouting about it. I've come across examples in
> banking, publishing, travel and health care - at different levels of
> maturity.
> Yes, for me these are all great results. However, the problem for me is
> convincing other industries, and the toughest question I am always faced
> with is "and why could I not solve the issue with established technology
> XYZ, which my engineers already know?". As long as we cannot answer this
> question, it will not be easy.


> >
> > Not saying the business value story is perfectly articulated or the
> evidence is watertight, but it's not totally absent :)
> >
> > While it's not your main point, I would also say we have reasonable
> arguments for the value of linked data over just CSVs for publishing
> government statistics and measurement data. The benefits include safer use
> of data because it's self-describing (e.g. units!), ability to slice and
> dice through API calls making it easier to build apps, ability to address
> the data and thus annotate it and reference it. The more advanced
> government departments approach this as "publish once, use many". One
> pipeline that lets people access the data as dumps, through REST APIs, as
> Linked Data or via apps - all powered by a shared Linked Data
> infra-structure. It's not CSV or Linked Data it's CSV *and* Linked Data.
> Yes. It was actually not really an argument from my side, I just wanted to
> point out the kind of discussions I face with people out there. I totally
> agree with what you say.
> Greetings,
> Sebastian
> --
> | Dr. Sebastian Schaffert
> | Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
> | Head of Knowledge and Media Technologies Group  +43 662 2288 423
> | Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
> | A-5020 Salzburg

Re: Linked Data Demand & Discussion Culture on this List, WAS: Introducing Semgel, a semantic database app for gathering & analyzing data from websites

2012-07-22 Thread Martynas Jusevičius
Hey all,

speaking of (business) use cases for Linked Data, there is a number of
them on W3C site:

However I needed to present a few cases as a minimal slide deck, so
here it is -- maybe it will be helpful to someone:
(Disclaimer: my project is mentioned in the end)


On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Harish Kumar M.  wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you all for your observations on Semgel. I was really delighted to see
> Sebastian taking it upon himself to articulate in some detail about how
> Semgel aligns with the Linked Data vision. Much appreciated!
> Its also been great to see some of the interesting thoughts and pointers
> that have been shared in this thread. I would like to offer  (albeit with
> the risk of rehashing prior discussions in this group) clarifications and
> observations on a few points .
> - The need for LinkedData consuming apps publishing Linked data URI's
> (Kingsley's suggestion that served as a trigger for this thread!)
> - Balancing idealism(ie dogma) and pragmatism(ie market-driven) in realizing
> the vision of the Semantic web. (amplifying Bergman & Giovanni)
> - The need for robust Linked Data Usecases which can logically be shown to
> be superior to other/traditional approaches (amplifying Sebastian)
> ---
> Linked-Data consuming apps should publish Linked-date URI's
> First off, I want to clarify that I considered Kingsley's queries and
> suggestions to be perfectly reasonable and did not perceive them in any way
> to be negative. I just happened to disagree with him about priorities. And
> if the cut and thrust of argument can lead to a discussion like this, we
> don't have much to complain about!
> Getting back to the point, Semgel's involvement with linked-data is a
> strategic decision - its a leap of faith. So, in no way am I trying to
> debate whether there is market of linked-data - after investing a bunch of
> time and effort, I and most of us in this group are well past that point!
> However, we would like our tactical decisions to be market-driven. I saw
> Kingsley's suggestion that linked-data consuming apps too should publish
> LinkedData URI's as something that should be market-driven.
> Somewhere in the thread, Kingsley elegantly articulated the technical
> rationale for doing this
> ... "the application ingests structured data but emits HTML pages (reports)
> where the actual data keys (URIs) for the data are now dislocated from the
> value chain? If you consume Linked Data there's no reason to obscure access
> to those data sources in a solution. There are a number of best practice
> patterns for keeping URIs accessible and discoverable to user agents"
> How could the geek in me not agree with this! However, wearing the business
> hat, I need to silence the geek and recognize that this cannot be a priority
> when we are still trying to firmly establish a basic ecosystem of
> linked-data publishing and consuming apps.
> Kingsley reached out to me privately (very gracious of him!) and indicated
> there is indeed a business case for Semgel to do this. I intend to engage
> with him with a open mind to better understand his point of view.
> --
> Balancing idealism and pragmatism in realizing the vision of the Semantic
> web.
> Semweb has always had more than its fair share of idealism and dogma
> associated with it. However, at the risk of stating the obvious, we do need
> to balance it with a appropriate amount of pragmatism. We just don't want to
> go down the path of becoming "architectural astronauts"!
> (
> When Bergman speaks about seeing "linked data as a useful and often
> desirable technique, but not a means" and Giovanni bemoans the fact that "
> features are neglected because they do not fit with the pure original
> visions" and insists that "The community must honestly assess where semantic
> technologies don't fit and on the other hand which features of the semantic
> web  "stack" make some sense and bring value to the scenarios that have
> (bring)economic value", I could not agree more!
> We want to focus on the value we deliver, not on how we deliver it. A user
> of the Semgel app for instance is never made aware of its semweb roots -
> although some of them do wonder why some simple ops are sometimes so very
> slow :)
> Given Semgel's focus on linked-data consumption in general and UI in
> particular, we have primarily drawn our inspiration from the work done by
> the MIT/Simile folks. What makes them stand out for me is their pragmatism.
> Exhibit, Potluck, Parallax and Refine all have pioneered fundamental ideas
> without necessarily embracing the full semweb stack. This is what we would
> like to emulate
> We also have the brilliant from Sindice (which does explicitly expose
> the underlying uri's) and I am very much looking forward to exploring
> M

Re: Linked Data Demand & Discussion Culture on this List, WAS: Introducing Semgel, a semantic database app for gathering & analyzing data from websites

2012-07-21 Thread Harish Kumar M.

Thank you all for your observations on Semgel. I was really delighted to
see Sebastian taking it upon himself to articulate in some detail about how
Semgel aligns with the Linked Data vision. Much appreciated!

Its also been great to see some of the interesting thoughts and pointers
that have been shared in this thread. I would like to offer  (albeit with
the risk of rehashing prior discussions in this group) clarifications and
observations on a few points .

- The need for LinkedData consuming apps publishing Linked data URI's
(Kingsley's suggestion that served as a trigger for this thread!)
- Balancing idealism(ie dogma) and pragmatism(ie market-driven) in
realizing the vision of the Semantic web. (amplifying Bergman & Giovanni)
- The need for robust Linked Data Usecases which can logically be shown to
be superior to other/traditional approaches (amplifying Sebastian)

*Linked-Data consuming apps should publish Linked-date URI's*

First off, I want to clarify that I considered Kingsley's queries and
suggestions to be perfectly reasonable and did not perceive them in any way
to be negative. I just happened to disagree with him about priorities. And
if the cut and thrust of argument can lead to a discussion like this, we
don't have much to complain about!

Getting back to the point, Semgel's involvement with linked-data is a
strategic decision - its a leap of faith. So, in no way am I trying to
debate whether there is market of linked-data - after investing a bunch of
time and effort, I and most of us in this group are well past that point!

However, we would like our tactical decisions to be market-driven. I saw
Kingsley's suggestion that linked-data consuming apps too should publish
LinkedData URI's as something that should be market-driven.

Somewhere in the thread, Kingsley elegantly articulated the technical
rationale for doing this

... "the application ingests structured data but emits HTML pages (reports)
where the actual data keys (URIs) for the data are now dislocated from the
value chain? If you consume Linked Data there's no reason to obscure access
to those data sources in a solution. There are a number of best practice
patterns for keeping URIs accessible and discoverable to user agents"

How could the geek in me not agree with this! However, wearing the business
hat, I need to silence the geek and recognize that this cannot be a
priority when we are still trying to firmly establish a basic ecosystem of
linked-data publishing and consuming apps.

Kingsley reached out to me privately (very gracious of him!) and indicated
there is indeed a business case for Semgel to do this. I intend to engage
with him with a open mind to better understand his point of view.

*Balancing idealism and pragmatism in realizing the vision of the Semantic

Semweb has always had more than its fair share of idealism and dogma
associated with it. However, at the risk of stating the obvious, we do need
to balance it with a appropriate amount of pragmatism. We just don't want
to go down the path of becoming "architectural astronauts"! (

When Bergman speaks about seeing "linked data as a useful and often
desirable technique, but not a means" and Giovanni bemoans the fact that "
features are neglected because they do not fit with the pure original
visions" and insists that "The community must honestly assess where
semantic technologies don't fit and on the other hand which features of the
semantic web  "stack" make some sense and bring value to the scenarios that
have (bring)economic value", I could not agree more!

We want to focus on the value we deliver, not on how we deliver it. A user
of the Semgel app for instance is never made aware of its semweb roots -
although some of them do wonder why some simple ops are sometimes so very
slow :)

Given Semgel's focus on linked-data consumption in general and UI in
particular, we have primarily drawn our inspiration from the work done by
the MIT/Simile folks. What makes them stand out for me is their pragmatism.
Exhibit, Potluck, Parallax and Refine all have pioneered fundamental ideas
without necessarily embracing the full semweb stack. This is what we would
like to emulate

We also have the brilliant from Sindice (which does explicitly
expose the underlying uri's) and I am very much looking forward to
exploring Martynas's graphity (discovered through this thread!)

*The need for robust Linked Data Usecases*

Sebastian wondered 'if we could collect even a small set of convincing
business cases and describe what problems they are solving and how, and
also what problems they encountered, I think it would help many of us".

Again, I couldn't agree more.

When we describe Semgel's architecture to geeks (who have not consumed the
semweb koolaid!), they can't help but wonder why we have chosen to perform
such elaborate acrobatics to build what is on the surface a relatively
straight-forward app. Mashing up da

Re: Linked Data Demand & Discussion Culture on this List, WAS: Introducing Semgel, a semantic database app for gathering & analyzing data from websites

2012-07-21 Thread Giovanni Tummarello
In the past months i have worked a lot on the commercialization of RDF
basedknowledge technologies so i feel like giving a contribution.

We tried to understand what could be of interest to enterprise and
came up with the slogan - or lets say adopted -  "enterprise linked
data clouds" with an internally matured understanding of what this
means and how it deliver value.

In our experience, Linked Data that can be of interest to enterprise
cannot be further away from so many of the things that have been
preached and pushed with prominence (i'll mention a few things like
303s,  "follow your nose" even  "resolvable data uris",  "sameAs" , "5
star data publishing" , vocabolary x y that was never used outside
demos... insert here so much more ).

Similary is very far away from saying 'replace your existing running
system with anything RDF based'. Wont even speak about preaching the
value of publishin data as "lod".

To find value that can be sold i'd go back to the basic a bit.

 RDF is very nice at Knowledge Representation.  Matter of fact might
be the most solid industrial tool there is for this. Great way to
serialize knowledge with properties attached to the data, great way to
merge, great way to ship it to others (and hope they'll understand it)
thanks to shared URIs of properties.  A mature query language.

Ok so where does this come into use SPECIFICALLY? (that is you can
demonstrate superiority vs other existing technologies)

I'd say only in environments/use cases/ business sectors  where

* knowledge can come from many sources, AND
* new sources popping up all the time,  AND
*  sources which are complex, might have a lot of rich descriptions,
* time to explore and understand them is limited,
* AND of course sufficient SCALE of the operation/business to support
the development/ have time to learn and understand this etc.

The first sectors that come to mind with these needs are (at least
come to mind to me) pharmaceutical, defense-military, scientific
technical publishing.  (they're the first that come to mind given that
in my ownlittle personal experience these are the sector that 'came to
us' and really didnt need pitching or just minimal)

One can say that, looking well, a lot of others, potentially, in the
future might have similar need.

True.. but they might when you put another elements into this: data
scale (bigdata)  and robustness AND (given the last point of the
previous list which is) enterprise strenght credibility.

Here we as a community, IMO have not been shining:.

* bigdata - just not there. Sorry but "publishing" a big data set as
in LOD doesnt count as a difficult data operation to do. Semantic
technologies have notoriously been proposed by "academics" with very
often not even the slightest notion of what traditional data
processing systems do, even a basic RDBMS. Get the names of the
peoplewho have published and have been incensed on semantic web and
intersect that with that of conferences that matter to industry (and
the world)

* robustness - all systems have been shaky at best again due to being
too often just trow away prototypes (when coming from academia). In
other cases companies venturing into this field have been way too much
distracted/ pressured/ (and finally got self convinced) into
implementing and caring about features (see all those mentioned above
and more)  that were unrequested to begin with, and which value was
just based on a conjecture.

* missing obvious features. Other features were neglected becouse "not
fitting with the pure originalvisions" why restricting ourself to
triples? quads or quintuples for example make so much sense but oh my
god what would the community have said. And now systems that have
these features e.g. certain graph sstores are the obvious choices in
certain cases.

Somebody mentioned "Garlik" as a success story earlier. They got this
right, but by concentrating on thigs that made sense for industry
(their industry) with minimal features that were needed (their 5store
- the production large scale data processing triplestore really
implements just a bare subsset of sparql, they reason only with some
simple rules etc) but done with proper engineering.

So my conclusion in short.

There are, in our opinion and analysis,  reasons why semantic data
technologies/ large scale knowledge representation have a lot to give
to society. However to have credibility have some result, the
"community" must get humble , look at what's happening in the real
world of data integration and big data.
The community must honestly assess where semantic technologies don't
fit and on the other hand which features of the semantic web  "stack"
make some sense and bring value to the scenarios that have (bring)
economic value)


On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 1:05 AM, Sebastian Schaffert
> Hi Dave,
> comments inline. :)
> Am 20.07.2012 um 23:25 schrieb Dave Reynolds:
>> Hi Sebastian,
>> I completely agree with what you say about:
>>  o Harish's original 

Re: Linked Data Demand & Discussion Culture on this List, WAS: Introducing Semgel, a semantic database app for gathering & analyzing data from websites

2012-07-20 Thread Sebastian Schaffert
Hi Dave,

comments inline. :)

Am 20.07.2012 um 23:25 schrieb Dave Reynolds:

> Hi Sebastian,
> I completely agree with what you say about:
>  o Harish's original post being relevant to linked data and this list
>  o that the culture of this forum can be counter productive
>  o that the evidence for linked data delivering business value needs
>to be a lot stronger
> However, just to balance the picture slightly ...
> There are *some* clear, well documented examples of semweb/RDF/LD delivering 
> business value through data integration. The most famous of these being 
> probably: Garlik (now Experian), Amdocs and arguably the BBC. In my 
> experience for every publicised example there are several non-public or at 
> least less visible examples of companies quietly using the technology 
> internally while not shouting about it. I've come across examples in banking, 
> publishing, travel and health care - at different levels of maturity.

Yes, for me these are all great results. However, the problem for me is 
convincing other industries, and the toughest question I am always faced with 
is "and why could I not solve the issue with established technology XYZ, which 
my engineers already know?". As long as we cannot answer this question, it will 
not be easy.

> Not saying the business value story is perfectly articulated or the evidence 
> is watertight, but it's not totally absent :)
> While it's not your main point, I would also say we have reasonable arguments 
> for the value of linked data over just CSVs for publishing government 
> statistics and measurement data. The benefits include safer use of data 
> because it's self-describing (e.g. units!), ability to slice and dice through 
> API calls making it easier to build apps, ability to address the data and 
> thus annotate it and reference it. The more advanced government departments 
> approach this as "publish once, use many". One pipeline that lets people 
> access the data as dumps, through REST APIs, as Linked Data or via apps - all 
> powered by a shared Linked Data infra-structure. It's not CSV or Linked Data 
> it's CSV *and* Linked Data.

Yes. It was actually not really an argument from my side, I just wanted to 
point out the kind of discussions I face with people out there. I totally agree 
with what you say.


| Dr. Sebastian Schaffert
| Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
| Head of Knowledge and Media Technologies Group  +43 662 2288 423
| Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
| A-5020 Salzburg

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: Linked Data Demand & Discussion Culture on this List, WAS: Introducing Semgel, a semantic database app for gathering & analyzing data from websites

2012-07-20 Thread Sebastian Schaffert
Dear Martynas,

Thanks for your constructive answer. I completely agree with all your points, 
and I am looking forward to your software (already checked the README ;-) ). We 
will surely try it out (maybe as a client for our Linked Media Framework).

The problem I am facing is that part of my (and my group's) current job is to 
try bringing the technologies we are developing in research into ordinary 
industry. Not the Microsofts, Facebooks or Oracles (who are all highly 
innovative in Web and database technologies), but small and big companies from 
the (traditional) media sector and manufacturing industry who have big IT 
departments and infrastructures and could benefit greatly from Linked Data and 
related technologies. They often still live in the world of CORBA, ERP and file 
systems, and not necessarily in the Web.

With the partners we have we "silently" follow the Linked Data approach by 
trying to solve their immediate problems and using Linked Data in the 
background. While in the media sector this is quite successful (see e.g., 1.1 million news articles all as Linked Data but 
the interface is facetted search), it is significantly more difficult 
explaining the advantages to e.g. manufacturing industries. Some typical 
problems I already mentioned in my previous post (lack of trust, lack of 
relevant data, lack of quality). Some others - indirectly related to Linked 
- they have proven and working infrastructures, and they have experienced IT 
engineers knowing "their" stuff; why should they adopt a new technology? They 
don't have a "Linked Data problem" per se
- IT in such companies is typically a central department and not a business 
division; they have only limited resources for technology innovation, why 
invest in Linked Data and not in some other technology where they can say "it 
will save us X million Euros"? 

Maybe we are targetting the wrong or too difficult sector, true. But I am 
convinced that the technology is useful especially in such settings, so I want 
to prove it by building applications that would not be possible otherwise. 
Unfortunately, I am lacking convincing business cases that shows THEM that the 
technology is superior. Noone needs to convince ME about the virtues of Linked 
Data, or otherwise I would not develop software of publish scientific articles 
related to it. ;-)

If we could collect even a small set of convincing business cases and describe 
what problems they are solving and how, and also what problems they 
encountered, I think it would help many of us.



Am 21.07.2012 um 00:16 schrieb Martynas Jusevičius:

> Sebastian, all,
> I'm on your side here. But regarding Linked Data, consider the
> following points that slow down its adoption:
> - data-heavy players such as Facebook and Google might not be
> interested in adopting a new open, even if superior, data approach,
> since it is in their interest to keep as much control over the data as
> possible
> - in the corporate world, big vendors like Microsoft and Oracle have
> created a lock-in, and big companies and organizations are hesitating
> to invest in new long-term solutions
> - the long term is where Linked Data really shines, because while the
> global data interconnectedness increases, it provides linear
> integration costs instead of exponential as in the Web 2.0 API-to-API
> approach
> - RDF and Linked Data are quietly doing their job at research
> institutes and innovative organizations like BBC and are not receiving
> the marketing dollars thrown at NoSQL solutions such as MongoDB.
> However when it comes to production use, NoSQL is no less problematic
> than triplestores (I have some experience in the startup world), while
> RDF is the only standardized NoSQL/graph data model, which even has a
> query language and quite a few tools.
> - RDF and Linked Data are taught at very few schools. Even in computer
> science studies, web application development is often stuck at
> PHP+MySQL level, or Web 2.0 and RESTful APIs at best.
> So I would say Linked Data is like electrical vehicles -- most who
> understand the technology would find it superior, but there are a lot
> of different agendas and interests that not necessarily result in what
> is better for the public. And then there is ignorance as well.
> When it comes to Linked Data applications, I'm about to release to
> open-source code which I hope will make it easier.
> Martynas
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Sebastian Schaffert
>  wrote:
>> Kingsley,
>> I am trying to respond to your factual arguments inline. But let me first 
>> point out that the central problem for me is exactly what Mike pointed out: 
>> "In your enthusiasm and cheerleading you as often turn people off as inspire 
>> them. You too frequently take it upon yourself to "speak for the community". 
>> Semgel is a nice contribution being contributed by a new, enthusiastic 
>> contribut

Re: Linked Data Demand & Discussion Culture on this List, WAS: Introducing Semgel, a semantic database app for gathering & analyzing data from websites

2012-07-20 Thread Martynas Jusevičius
Sebastian, all,

I'm on your side here. But regarding Linked Data, consider the
following points that slow down its adoption:
- data-heavy players such as Facebook and Google might not be
interested in adopting a new open, even if superior, data approach,
since it is in their interest to keep as much control over the data as
- in the corporate world, big vendors like Microsoft and Oracle have
created a lock-in, and big companies and organizations are hesitating
to invest in new long-term solutions
- the long term is where Linked Data really shines, because while the
global data interconnectedness increases, it provides linear
integration costs instead of exponential as in the Web 2.0 API-to-API
- RDF and Linked Data are quietly doing their job at research
institutes and innovative organizations like BBC and are not receiving
the marketing dollars thrown at NoSQL solutions such as MongoDB.
However when it comes to production use, NoSQL is no less problematic
than triplestores (I have some experience in the startup world), while
RDF is the only standardized NoSQL/graph data model, which even has a
query language and quite a few tools.
- RDF and Linked Data are taught at very few schools. Even in computer
science studies, web application development is often stuck at
PHP+MySQL level, or Web 2.0 and RESTful APIs at best.

So I would say Linked Data is like electrical vehicles -- most who
understand the technology would find it superior, but there are a lot
of different agendas and interests that not necessarily result in what
is better for the public. And then there is ignorance as well.

When it comes to Linked Data applications, I'm about to release to
open-source code which I hope will make it easier.


On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Sebastian Schaffert
> Kingsley,
> I am trying to respond to your factual arguments inline. But let me first 
> point out that the central problem for me is exactly what Mike pointed out: 
> "In your enthusiasm and cheerleading you as often turn people off as inspire 
> them. You too frequently take it upon yourself to "speak for the community". 
> Semgel is a nice contribution being contributed by a new, enthusiastic 
> contributor. I think this is to be applauded, not lectured or scolded. Semgel 
> is certainly as much on topic as most of the posts to this forum."
> The message you should hear is that many people are frustrated by the way the 
> discussions in this forum are carried out and have already stopped 
> contributing or even reading. And this is a very bad development for a 
> community. The topic we are discussing right now is only a symptom. Please 
> think about it.
> Am 20.07.2012 um 16:43 schrieb Kingsley Idehen:
>> On 7/20/12 4:06 AM, Sebastian Schaffert wrote:
>>> Am 19.07.2012 um 20:50 schrieb Kingsley Idehen:
> I completely understand and appreciate your desire (which I share) to see 
> a mature landscape with a range of linked data sources. I can also 
> understand how a database or spreadsheet can potentially offer 
> fine-grained data access - your examples do illustrate the point very 
> well indeed!
> However, if we want to build a sustainable business, the decision to 
> build these features needs to be demand driven.
 I disagree.
 Note, I responded because I assumed this was a new Linked Data service. 
 But it clearly isn't. Thus, I don't want to open up a debate about Linked 
 Data virtues if you incorrectly assume they should be *demand driven*.

 Remember, this is the Linked Open Data (LOD) forum. We've long past the 
 issue of *demand driven* over here, re. Linked Data.
>>> But I agree. A technology that is not able to fire proof its usefulness in 
>>> a demand driven / problem driven environment is maybe interesting from an 
>>> academic standpoint but otherwise not really useful.
>> So are you claiming that Linked Data hasn't fire proofed its usefulness in a 
>> demand drive / problem driven environment?
> Indeed. This is my right as much as yours is to claim the opposite.
> My claim is founded in the many discussions I have when going to the CTOs of 
> *real* companies (big ones, outside the research business) out there and 
> trying to convince them that they should build on Semantic Web technologies 
> (because I believe they are superior). Believe me, even though I strongly 
> believe in the technology, this is a very tough job without a good reference 
> example that convinces them they will save X millions of Euros or improve the 
> life or their employees or the society in the short- to medium term.
> Random sample answer from this week (I could bring many): "So this Linked 
> Data is a possibility for data integration. Tell me, why should I convince my 
> engineers to throw away their proven integration solutions? Why is Linked 
> Data so superior to existing solutions? Where is it already in enterprise 

Re: Linked Data Demand & Discussion Culture on this List, WAS: Introducing Semgel, a semantic database app for gathering & analyzing data from websites

2012-07-20 Thread Dave Reynolds

Hi Sebastian,

I completely agree with what you say about:
  o Harish's original post being relevant to linked data and this list
  o that the culture of this forum can be counter productive
  o that the evidence for linked data delivering business value needs
to be a lot stronger

However, just to balance the picture slightly ...

There are *some* clear, well documented examples of semweb/RDF/LD 
delivering business value through data integration. The most famous of 
these being probably: Garlik (now Experian), Amdocs and arguably the 
BBC. In my experience for every publicised example there are several 
non-public or at least less visible examples of companies quietly using 
the technology internally while not shouting about it. I've come across 
examples in banking, publishing, travel and health care - at different 
levels of maturity.

Not saying the business value story is perfectly articulated or the 
evidence is watertight, but it's not totally absent :)

While it's not your main point, I would also say we have reasonable 
arguments for the value of linked data over just CSVs for publishing 
government statistics and measurement data. The benefits include safer 
use of data because it's self-describing (e.g. units!), ability to slice 
and dice through API calls making it easier to build apps, ability to 
address the data and thus annotate it and reference it. The more 
advanced government departments approach this as "publish once, use 
many". One pipeline that lets people access the data as dumps, through 
REST APIs, as Linked Data or via apps - all powered by a shared Linked 
Data infra-structure. It's not CSV or Linked Data it's CSV *and* Linked 


On 20/07/12 16:48, Sebastian Schaffert wrote:


I am trying to respond to your factual arguments inline. But let me first point out that the 
central problem for me is exactly what Mike pointed out: "In your enthusiasm and cheerleading 
you as often turn people off as inspire them. You too frequently take it upon yourself to 
"speak for the community". Semgel is a nice contribution being contributed by a new, 
enthusiastic contributor. I think this is to be applauded, not lectured or scolded. Semgel is 
certainly as much on topic as most of the posts to this forum."

The message you should hear is that many people are frustrated by the way the 
discussions in this forum are carried out and have already stopped contributing 
or even reading. And this is a very bad development for a community. The topic 
we are discussing right now is only a symptom. Please think about it.

Am 20.07.2012 um 16:43 schrieb Kingsley Idehen:

On 7/20/12 4:06 AM, Sebastian Schaffert wrote:

Am 19.07.2012 um 20:50 schrieb Kingsley Idehen:

I completely understand and appreciate your desire (which I share) to see a 
mature landscape with a range of linked data sources. I can also understand how 
a database or spreadsheet can potentially offer fine-grained data access - your 
examples do illustrate the point very well indeed!

However, if we want to build a sustainable business, the decision to build 
these features needs to be demand driven.

I disagree.
Note, I responded because I assumed this was a new Linked Data service. But it 
clearly isn't. Thus, I don't want to open up a debate about Linked Data virtues 
if you incorrectly assume they should be *demand driven*.

Remember, this is the Linked Open Data (LOD) forum. We've long past the issue 
of *demand driven* over here, re. Linked Data.

But I agree. A technology that is not able to fire proof its usefulness in a 
demand driven / problem driven environment is maybe interesting from an 
academic standpoint but otherwise not really useful.

So are you claiming that Linked Data hasn't fire proofed its usefulness in a 
demand drive / problem driven environment?

Indeed. This is my right as much as yours is to claim the opposite.

My claim is founded in the many discussions I have when going to the CTOs of 
*real* companies (big ones, outside the research business) out there and trying 
to convince them that they should build on Semantic Web technologies (because I 
believe they are superior). Believe me, even though I strongly believe in the 
technology, this is a very tough job without a good reference example that 
convinces them they will save X millions of Euros or improve the life or their 
employees or the society in the short- to medium term.

Random sample answer from this week (I could bring many): "So this Linked Data is a 
possibility for data integration. Tell me, why should I convince my engineers to throw 
away their proven integration solutions? Why is Linked Data so superior to existing 
solutions? Where is it already in enterprise use?".

The big datasets always sold as a success story in the Linked Data Cloud are 
largely irrelevant to businesses:
- they are mostly dealing with internal data (projects, people, CRM, ERP, 
documents, CMS, …) where you won't find information i

Re: Linked Data Demand & Discussion Culture on this List, WAS: Introducing Semgel, a semantic database app for gathering & analyzing data from websites

2012-07-20 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 7/20/12 4:05 PM, Sebastian Schaffert wrote:


Am 20.07.2012 um 20:20 schrieb Kingsley Idehen:

Again, how have you arrived at the Linked Data vs CSV scenario? Secondly, if 
you'd done some background lookup, you would have stumbled across comments I've 
made about CSV and Linked Data.

This is exactly the kind of comment by which you prove my point (regarding the 
discussion culture). I refrain from any further discussion on the topic until 
you stop assuming everyone else is stupid when he does not agree on your 
points, like I already announced in private discussion.

Have a nice weekend.

You are not going to get away with misrepresenting me in public. It 
won't happen.

Here is what you posted en route to my response:

"Where is the convincing business application? Since most of the data is 
statistics anyways, where is Linked Data superior to say CSV?"

To clarify my response:

What in my thread or past commentary would lead you to asking me, or 
anyone else for that matter such a question?

Links (via simple Google search) :

1. -- 
ontolog forum post that leads to discussion about CSV and Linked Data

2. -- explaining how CSV output from SPARQL 
endpoints delivers powerful hooks into Google Spreadsheet

3. -- ditto for Microsoft Excel.



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Linked Data Demand & Discussion Culture on this List, WAS: Introducing Semgel, a semantic database app for gathering & analyzing data from websites

2012-07-20 Thread Sebastian Schaffert

Am 20.07.2012 um 20:20 schrieb Kingsley Idehen:

> Again, how have you arrived at the Linked Data vs CSV scenario? Secondly, if 
> you'd done some background lookup, you would have stumbled across comments 
> I've made about CSV and Linked Data. 

This is exactly the kind of comment by which you prove my point (regarding the 
discussion culture). I refrain from any further discussion on the topic until 
you stop assuming everyone else is stupid when he does not agree on your 
points, like I already announced in private discussion.

Have a nice weekend.

| Dr. Sebastian Schaffert
| Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
| Head of Knowledge and Media Technologies Group  +43 662 2288 423
| Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
| A-5020 Salzburg

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail

Re: Linked Data Demand & Discussion Culture on this List, WAS: Introducing Semgel, a semantic database app for gathering & analyzing data from websites

2012-07-20 Thread Kingsley Idehen

On 7/20/12 11:48 AM, Sebastian Schaffert wrote:

[SNIP] -- so that we can focus on the key non personal points.

My claim is founded in the many discussions I have when going to the CTOs 
of*real*  companies (big ones, outside the research business) out there and 
trying to convince them that they should build on Semantic Web technologies 
(because I believe they are superior). Believe me, even though I strongly 
believe in the technology, this is a very tough job without a good reference 
example that convinces them they will save X millions of Euros or improve the 
life or their employees or the society in the short- to medium term.

Why do you assume that others (like myself) that don't share your views, 
don't talk to CTOs?  BTW -  there are a number of companies that 
actually have paying customers using Linked Data effectively; these  
companies may not necessarily believe in announcing every customer 
closure related to Linked Data.

Random sample answer from this week (I could bring many): "So this Linked Data is a 
possibility for data integration. Tell me, why should I convince my engineers to throw 
away their proven integration solutions? Why is Linked Data so superior to existing 
solutions? Where is it already in enterprise use?".

I don't know how you've concluded that Linked Data is a "rip and 
replace" approach to technology adoption. Its quite the contrary.
Linked Data's most powerful virtue is its ability to enhance what 
already exists re:

1. data object identity
2. data object representation
3. data object access
4. data object serialization
5  data object access control lists and policies.

Please read some of the older threads on this mailing list. Do you think 
Facebook publishes Linked Data for no good reason? Ditto the U.S. and UK 
governments amongst many other contributors to the LOD cloud? Likewise 
any other enterprise that's already effectively using Linked Data as a 
conceptual model oriented virutalization atop disparate data sources etc?

The big datasets always sold as a success story in the Linked Data Cloud are 
largely irrelevant to businesses:
- they are mostly dealing with internal data (projects, people, CRM, ERP, 
documents, CMS, …) where you won't find information in the LD cloud anyways

There is a difference between the Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud and 
Linked Data. There's also a subtle difference between Linked Open Data 
and the LOD Cloud.

Linked Open Data is about standards based structured data representation 
and access, based on a specific use of de-referencable URIs to augment 
said data representation and access.

LOD Cloud is about publicly accessible application of the above, with 
contributions from a plethora of sources, across a variety of subject 
matter domains.

- they do not trust "just some" data from the Internet to build multi-million 
business decisions on top

See my comment above. That isn't what I am talking about.

- they find the data in the cloud too messy (as an example: try finding country 
codes on DBPedia …) and too unreliable (most servers do not respond in 
sufficient time)

Ditto, not my point. The LOD cloud is a distributed lookup table and 
that's about it.

Mike has actually assembled some very nice blog posts on related topics:

I am no stranger to Mike. Sometimes it helps if you do a few lookups to 
provide context for your responses.


>>And if you look at the recent troubles with Semantic Web business models you 
see the consequences.

>Please clarify what you mean as that statement is quite unclear. What "recent 
troubles" are you speaking  (so definitively) about re., the business model scalability 
and viability of Linked Data and/or the broader Semantic Web vision?

I was referring to the recent bankruptcy of Ontoprise and the fact that Talis is reducing 
its Linked Data involvement, essentially shutting down their "we help you publish 
Linked Data" service. I thought you might have guessed.

Why should I guess. You over simplify those items and I am not in the 
business of speaking about other companies. Talking about markets, 
technologies, and business models are fine for me, but It stops right 


>>You are not the only one in "the community", so please don't say "we've passed the 

>Of course I am not the only one in the community. But, I think you are missing a 
critical point: this forum/list/community is about Linked Data. Thus, I would expect product 
announcements to be related to Linked Data, at the very least. What's really confusing to 
me, right now, is the fact that I simply sought an actual Linked Data connection from Hatish 
(assuming there had to be one somewhere), received push-back about "demand" and a 
string of replies that are responding something else inferred from my response .

The problem