Version cited: WD 28 January 2009

Aware of latest editor's draft at:

Minor observation in editor's draft: the text suggests that the Conformance 
Checker must warm the author if the icon does not conform to SVG Tiny. Perhaps 
the author is already warm enough, and should be warNed instead.

Cross-reference issue: The link to the requirement R20 (claiming to be "Iconic 
Representations") in section 1.2 of the draft (cited) should actually be a link 
to R19 (actually "Iconic Representation"). R20 is actually the "Configuration 
Parameters" requirement as the following link demonstrates:

On this point, I suspect a review of all the R** numbers and links is advised. 
(Using descriptive anchors instead of number sequences would have avoided this 
lack of synchronization between the documents.)

These observations are trivial, but I know that the editor will provide the 
corrections, and I thank the editor in advance for this.



Rotan Hanrahan
Chief Innovations Architect

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