As part of this action, I've taken two approaches to answer the question: what 
are the  guiding principles for event usage?

1.       Circumstances when an author would use an event

2.       Principles behind when a new feature should consider creating an event

#1 is a bit nebulous-but here's my take on it:

Authors should use events in scenarios where a web app needs to respond (take 
an action) in response to a user's action. Generally this happens in relation 
to user-input, either from directing a mouse at the web app, entering keys on a 
keyboard (or virtual input surface), voice commands, or other forms of input. 
Appropriate events have been created (or are defined by this specification) 
that allow authors to detect and respond to these user-inputs.

Other events exist that are designed to proactively notify the author when the 
state of the application changes. Such events are generally also related to 
user-inputs, such as a user first navigating to a page, which triggers parsing 
of HTML, which then triggers DOMContentLoaded (for example) to fire. Another 
example is the end-user navigating away from a web app (in user-agents where 
that scenario makes sense), where an unload event is triggered.

Another class of events act as "confirmation" events; they confirm that a state 
change occurred. Unlike the other events mentioned, these events may not 
originate from a user-action, but rather from an action taken by program code. 
Mutation events are such an example. Event types of this class exist not 
necessarily for the web app author, but rather for "extension" code written by 
third parties that does not have an intrinsic knowledge of the author's program 
code. Naturally, the web app author's program code knows (or should know?) the 
implications of running its code, therefore it has no need of "confirmation" 
events. However, extension code does not necessarily know all the implications 
of the program code that hosts it; yet it needs to be aware of document state 
and thus depends upon confirmation events to respond to changes and update its 
internal state. For this reason, confirmation events generally have a negative 
performance impact on a web app.

Web app authors should use events when responding to user-input as mentioned 
above. Additionally, authors of extension code (here meaning general-purpose 
program code written to be hosted inside of a web app) may make use of 
confirmation events to track and respond to document state changes.

#2 is highly correlated with the first principle:

This specification (or future event specifications) should define events for 
common scenarios taken by end-users when interacting with a web app. Such 
events should include (but not be limited to): mouse interaction, keyboard (and 
virtual keyboard) interaction, voice interaction, touch interaction, etc. 
Convenience events should also be specified which allow a web application to 
respond to common user actions within the categories previously listed. Such 
convenience events include, for example: reset events (for button clicks on a 
reset form button), focus and blur events, zoom events, editing events.

This specification may also include "confirmation" events as described earlier. 
Care should be taken to ensure that confirmation events are specified in a way 
that ensures that they can be triggered in a scoped, performance-neutral way. 
Note that due to traditional event registration techniques (e.g., 
addEventListener), confirmation events in general may be better suited to a 
different registration model than other events.

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